After the home tour on Sunday, (e:matthew) fell down outside and hurt his brain. He had brain surgery and seems better at this point as he is out of the ICU. He can talk and although he is missing some memory from last week, he is generally still (e:matthew). Its amazing how much a fall can mess you up. I am so glad I called an ambulance instead of letting him lay down and sleep like he wanted to. Strangely there was no cut on the outside but his brain was bleeding from the inside.
To be honest visiting him today was hard to take. He had this bottle of brain blood connected to his head where the blood was draining out. I am not sure I will ever be able to get past that.
I hope he recovers quickly.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/08/2012 00:06 #56433
Mr. Bloody BrainsCategory: health
05/06/2012 10:32 #56431
First Fire of The YearWent up to zoar for the day yesterday. (e:yesthatcasey) and I spent a lot of time in the water. The current was pretty swift. We found this man wandering down the creek with no shoes. Turned out his kayak got away from him and he lost his brother. By the time we got up to the parking lot, every type of law enforcement was there to search. Hope they made it out OK.

metalpeter - 05/07/12 17:05
Just cause I didn't hear about it on the news doesn't mean anything.... That being said nice fire....
Just cause I didn't hear about it on the news doesn't mean anything.... That being said nice fire....
05/05/2012 12:59 #56428
The blueberries are comingCategory: food
l kind of wish I planted more of them.

matthew - 05/05/12 17:55
Lol, you didn't plant any of them. Terry and I picked them out and put them in the ground. I remember them being quite expensive actually. They were yummy last year. I hope they do well, this will be their first full season in the new spot.
Lol, you didn't plant any of them. Terry and I picked them out and put them in the ground. I remember them being quite expensive actually. They were yummy last year. I hope they do well, this will be their first full season in the new spot.
05/05/2012 12:49 #56427
How safe os my bike on one of theseCategory: bikes
They look ready to remove.

KeithT - 05/09/12 11:20
It isnt really. 2 people, 6 seconds, a pick up truck, a portable impact gun, and your bike is gone with the entire post it was chained to. Stick with street lamps if you're afraid lol. I think towe chains or those U shaped locks are the best, but I dont even own a lock :P
"Impacting mechanism produces 200 ft. lbs of torque and 0- 3,000 Impacts Per Minute to easily drive long screws or lag bolts"
It isnt really. 2 people, 6 seconds, a pick up truck, a portable impact gun, and your bike is gone with the entire post it was chained to. Stick with street lamps if you're afraid lol. I think towe chains or those U shaped locks are the best, but I dont even own a lock :P
"Impacting mechanism produces 200 ft. lbs of torque and 0- 3,000 Impacts Per Minute to easily drive long screws or lag bolts"
How is he doing? is he still in the hospital?
oh god hows he doing? is there anything I can send him?
I can't imagine what that would look like... Glad I don't need to see it... Hope he gets better soon........