followed by locate x (e:Paul)'s magic trick is incredibly useful. I just have to burn this into my brain as well. find is indeed incredibly and painfully slow and completely non-specific. Got any other tricks that will transform my i-life? :)
paul - 02/10/12 22:11 That is one of the better ones.
02/10/2012 11:29 #56041
So this is how it happened Category: the odes
I wouldn't put it past him.
02/05/2012 07:16 #56027
Counting Crows Category: the odes
Unlike the band, the million-strong murder of crows that suddenly decided to alight on the tree outside my window are producing a racket that can only grace the soundtrack to the remake of the ghoulies.
02/03/2012 14:44 #56017
The power of internet. Category: i-tech
The Susan G. Komen foundation just reversed its miscalculated decision to withdraw funding to Planned Parenthood. Whose victory and war was this? I say, it is Twitter's and the internet's victory over powerlessness and voicelessness as a whole.
I think the power of internet in democracy and public opinion has FINALLY arrived and not a minute too late. The mother (freakazoid) teresa approach that Komen seemed to have adopted was made public on Tuesday. It took just THREE days for the voices across the net and social media to speak up and rise to a crescendo against this ridiculously medieval move by Komen.
I sometimes wish that toxic hag teresa's evil, ignorant, petty and insular mind* that wrecked lives for Irish women and made it hell for many women in India were blown to smithereens by public opinion as strong as this.
The reversal of Komen's recent asinine policy in response to social media and public outcry makes me hopeful that not all causes are lost yet. Given the right power and voice women all over the world can better their lot and fight against barriers that sometimes stifling society and always misguided religions place over them.
tinypliny - 02/05/12 10:05 yes, planned parenthood is not just about contraception, it's also about primary health care to those who cannot afford primary care physicians. Primary care includes not just cancer screening, it include pre-natal and post-natal checkups as well. So "pro-life" people don't have a clue about what they are whining about in general. In short, they are idiots. Period.
metalpeter - 02/05/12 09:45 To Be honest I didn't really know much about this and didn't really read anything about this but even just from seeing the headlines I learned some stuff I didn't know... Like that they give money to planned Parent hood? Um why? why would they do any thing with breast screenings? If you think about it ... Yes it is part of sexual health I guess.... But just to try and make sure kids plan to have kids isn't that what the entire charity is about....
Now part two to this is that from what I understand they wanted to go in a different direction...
Now if you want to get into the abortion debate.... I'm sure planned parenthood prevents (cause getting knocked up doesn't happen) way more abortions then they have gotten girls to get....
But that being said I can see why some people wouldn't donate if some of that money was going to the abortion people...... But I'm also sure that some people love that Korman helps Planned Parent hood.....
That is one of the better ones.