apparently asu went through some sort of online meltdown... not sure if it was a hacker or what happened. i haven't been able to access any of my course materials and complete for work for any classes since wednesday afternoon. this is blasphemy and i can't believe i am paying 5 grand this semester for a university that has a highly unsecured system as well as a poorly managed and confusing education program.
i think about 90% of the questions i have asked about my program haven't gone unanswered thus far this semester. we also take classes in a small storage room at an elementary school, when we pay facility fees for the asu campus. we don't have wifi in the classroom, and since it is an education program and we take class in a school, we are required to adhere to the school district's educator dress code...
education and technology are basically essential to the other... and our course materials are all online. none of this makes any sense. and, i'm all for dressing up, but not to spend 9 hours sitting in a children's classroom at tiny little crowded table in childrens' chairs.
graduation could not happen any sooner.
on the upside, i love my students and my mentor teacher. asu... not so much.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/20/2012 22:10 #55950
really asu??01/18/2012 20:03 #55936
banned from anyplace unsafei can't tell my family i intend to go places out of the country.... when i tell them of my plans they freak.
well, maybe just my mother. thus far i am not "allowed" to travel to:
aruba- even though i already went, but not allowed to go back
jamaica- which is where i want to go for sb
really anyplace south of the border
asia, africa, india
i don't intend on listening to any of this... i just tend to lie about where i go. i went to mexico last summer and just didn't say anything. i have a rule about other countries, and that is, you treat it like mexico. don't wear flashy jewelry, dress more covered up, and don't carry tons of cash.
so nowww, my mother wants to go to hawaii, i think because she knows i really want to go to jamaica, and it's like a bribe trip or something. i still would rather go to jamaica... i want stamps on my passport nowwww.
a text conversation(textersation) we had today:
Momma: Just look online see if it's even possible don't say anything to Steve
Me: Mmmk
Momma: What is mmmmk
Me: It means ok. Git wit it juju(her name is Julie)
Momma: Ok means ok mmmmk is nothing
check Wensters
Me: Wensters is nothing. Check the urban dictionary yo.
Me: iPhone fail.
Momma: Websters rules right on man
Me: Word.
i love my mom, but i would rather go to jamaica.... and i have to make it to blo too. and i have to know by sunday because i like to have specific trips to look forward to.
well, maybe just my mother. thus far i am not "allowed" to travel to:
aruba- even though i already went, but not allowed to go back
jamaica- which is where i want to go for sb
really anyplace south of the border
asia, africa, india
i don't intend on listening to any of this... i just tend to lie about where i go. i went to mexico last summer and just didn't say anything. i have a rule about other countries, and that is, you treat it like mexico. don't wear flashy jewelry, dress more covered up, and don't carry tons of cash.
so nowww, my mother wants to go to hawaii, i think because she knows i really want to go to jamaica, and it's like a bribe trip or something. i still would rather go to jamaica... i want stamps on my passport nowwww.
a text conversation(textersation) we had today:
Momma: Just look online see if it's even possible don't say anything to Steve
Me: Mmmk
Momma: What is mmmmk
Me: It means ok. Git wit it juju(her name is Julie)
Momma: Ok means ok mmmmk is nothing
check Wensters
Me: Wensters is nothing. Check the urban dictionary yo.
Me: iPhone fail.
Momma: Websters rules right on man
Me: Word.
i love my mom, but i would rather go to jamaica.... and i have to make it to blo too. and i have to know by sunday because i like to have specific trips to look forward to.
metalpeter - 01/19/12 16:28
I'm sure Hawaii is nice ..... Don't know much about it other then there are islands and beaches and tall cliffs and cities and from what I've heard very expensive but yes it is dangerous also..... Just isn't thought of that way.....
I'm sure Hawaii is nice ..... Don't know much about it other then there are islands and beaches and tall cliffs and cities and from what I've heard very expensive but yes it is dangerous also..... Just isn't thought of that way.....
libertad - 01/19/12 15:12
I personally wouldn't go to Mexico, way too many people are being killed. It would be hard for me not to go if I lived as close as you do though.
I personally wouldn't go to Mexico, way too many people are being killed. It would be hard for me not to go if I lived as close as you do though.
01/16/2012 20:53 #55928
cold and old.the classroom i teach in is extremely cold... this doesn't make sense and i've mentioned it before but i seem to always forget this is the case and chose a cute outfit instead of something very warm. actually, most of my very warm clothing is leggings and sweats... which are not suitable for school.
i am calling the maintenance man tomorrow for sure. i don't understand how everyone can take it... i literally have to go home and take a bath everyday to warm up. i come home and my feet are so cold and stiff from 8 hrs of this madness.
i am wearing boots with fur tomorrow to be sure i make it through. i have been sleeping so much lately, and i think it may been due in part to the cold. i come home everyday and i am so tired... and just want to veg out.
okay... even the children(and children have no thermostat) wear their coats in.
i am determined to find something warm enough for tomorrow, like a soldier preparing for battle. i will win, victory will be granted.
the students are constantly questioning my style choices... and i won't change anything.... but they have no clue it's actually a toned down version on my normal self. presenting a teacher like appearance, requires some dilution.
kids are funny, they were talking about the black eyed peas, and i said-
"you know who the black eyed peas are"
and the student says, "YOU know who the black eyed peas are?!"
i reply, "they have been around since before you were born."
they blankly stare at me, and we begin the lesson.
i am le old.
i am calling the maintenance man tomorrow for sure. i don't understand how everyone can take it... i literally have to go home and take a bath everyday to warm up. i come home and my feet are so cold and stiff from 8 hrs of this madness.
i am wearing boots with fur tomorrow to be sure i make it through. i have been sleeping so much lately, and i think it may been due in part to the cold. i come home everyday and i am so tired... and just want to veg out.
okay... even the children(and children have no thermostat) wear their coats in.
i am determined to find something warm enough for tomorrow, like a soldier preparing for battle. i will win, victory will be granted.
the students are constantly questioning my style choices... and i won't change anything.... but they have no clue it's actually a toned down version on my normal self. presenting a teacher like appearance, requires some dilution.
kids are funny, they were talking about the black eyed peas, and i said-
"you know who the black eyed peas are"
and the student says, "YOU know who the black eyed peas are?!"
i reply, "they have been around since before you were born."
they blankly stare at me, and we begin the lesson.
i am le old.
01/14/2012 17:25 #55918
Jamaica or BuffaloFor spring break I can:
Go to blo for 2 weeks,
Or go to Jamaica for 1 week...
Buffalo has all the people I love, and Jamaica would be so peaceful and beautiful and motivate me to eat right and workout for two months...
What to do?
Go to blo for 2 weeks,
Or go to Jamaica for 1 week...
Buffalo has all the people I love, and Jamaica would be so peaceful and beautiful and motivate me to eat right and workout for two months...
What to do?
tinypliny - 01/18/12 12:28
Jamaica. No contest!
Jamaica. No contest!
metalpeter - 01/15/12 10:12
I have never been.... Now some people go there and look at the pretty beaches and enjoy it.... Then some people go there and jump of cliffs into pools of water find the party scene and stand an inch from the speaker and the place changes their entire look out on life.... I don't mean that they smoke everyday .... It isn't really legal to smoke there.... Maybe kinda how like on St. Pats you have to be 21 to go into a bar but as long as you stay out of trouble it is fine on the parade route? Again though Never been so just do the research... I say Jamaica.... Cause not putting down Buffalo but you might not get another chance at Jamaica .....
I have never been.... Now some people go there and look at the pretty beaches and enjoy it.... Then some people go there and jump of cliffs into pools of water find the party scene and stand an inch from the speaker and the place changes their entire look out on life.... I don't mean that they smoke everyday .... It isn't really legal to smoke there.... Maybe kinda how like on St. Pats you have to be 21 to go into a bar but as long as you stay out of trouble it is fine on the parade route? Again though Never been so just do the research... I say Jamaica.... Cause not putting down Buffalo but you might not get another chance at Jamaica .....
paul - 01/14/12 21:45
I would totally go to Jamaica but I am from Buffalo so it's kind of skewed.
I would totally go to Jamaica but I am from Buffalo so it's kind of skewed.
flacidness - 01/14/12 19:18
Jamaica Mon
Jamaica Mon
01/14/2012 11:40 #55914
i never want to go on a cruiseone of the reasons why.... just makes me feel uneasy and i'm afraid of something like the titanic happening.

apparently it's still possible... i am just wondering, with all of the modern technology and safety measures, how is this still possible. the company of this cruise ship had a similar incident a few years back.
anyway, if i had been on that boat, i'd so so upset about losing my belongings because most of those people were likely to have nice jewelry, clothing, and other items on board.... laptops, cameras...
scary stuff.

apparently it's still possible... i am just wondering, with all of the modern technology and safety measures, how is this still possible. the company of this cruise ship had a similar incident a few years back.
anyway, if i had been on that boat, i'd so so upset about losing my belongings because most of those people were likely to have nice jewelry, clothing, and other items on board.... laptops, cameras...
scary stuff.
tinypliny - 01/18/12 12:29
Apparently it was all because of gross negligence. ouch.
Apparently it was all because of gross negligence. ouch.
tinypliny - 01/14/12 17:01
Yikes. Who knew that could still happen in modern times. The whole thought of being on a boat or ship makes me queasy. I can't even keep motion sickness at bay on a simple highway drive!
Yikes. Who knew that could still happen in modern times. The whole thought of being on a boat or ship makes me queasy. I can't even keep motion sickness at bay on a simple highway drive!
metalpeter - 01/14/12 11:55
only bad if you are on the one side of the ship....HA Seriously though if it is rough sees that caused it they have the tech to know about it.... With the two toppling I'd stay away from that company... But the other side of it is ... It is the ocean it is a risk.... At night out on the deck it is so dark and scary but also calming.....
only bad if you are on the one side of the ship....HA Seriously though if it is rough sees that caused it they have the tech to know about it.... With the two toppling I'd stay away from that company... But the other side of it is ... It is the ocean it is a risk.... At night out on the deck it is so dark and scary but also calming.....
Did you ever see Christie? :)
School is such a rip off in general.