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01/02/2012 20:36 #55840

Category: "k stories"
I think I might repost some of my Tumblr content here. Tumblr doesn't archive things well enough for my preference. Especially not when I'm trying to make a collection of things. So what follows will be a couple of reposts of a series I was working on there, called "K Stories", which are the stories my friend K (who was at the New Year's party, the big blondish dude with the pinstriped vest) tells me. He's a consummate storyteller and has a wildly varied resume beginning with a childhood on a horse farm, going through being a carnie, a cook, a Navy firefighter and Special Forces member, a geologist, and assorted other things. He tells the stories well, so I've been trying to write them down in a slightly edited, conversational style as if I were putting them into some sort of collection. We'll see how that goes. Apologies if anyone has seen them before, I'm not all about duplicate content, but I don't like the way Tumblr just sort of has things disappear into the ether.
tinypliny - 01/03/12 21:30
For multiple tags and labels, you are seriously better off on blogger with a google powered search box. I have pretty much tried them ALL; every microblogging site and ever blogging platform. And blogspot is probably the best of the best. You can write your template from scratch and have google host it all for free. You can make a million tags per post, cross-reference endlessly, style code and quotes just the way you want them to display, even customize search-results per tag/label. If you are looking to collect memoirs or notes and have the ability to pull up anything at any point with very flexible references (tags, phrases etc), blogspot it THE destination. I just started my school/dissertation notes on there and I am enormously pleased.

Oh yeah. Tumblr = worst in terms of searching and archiving.
dragonlady7 - 01/03/12 20:25
Things don't exactly disappear on Tumblr, but there's just no easy way to browse archives. There are no easy-to-find permalinks on entries, and tags are only tracked for 30 days or so; I had started a collection of stories with all the same tag expecting that I could always find them all by that tag, and only the most recent few would show up. It's not intended for solo, personal journaling in any kind of archivable manner; the posts still exist but the only way to find them is to scroll back one at a time through past entries, and you can't link directly to them again.
So I figure, I'll repost them somewhere that the tags hang around so I can always search and find everything I ever wrote with that tag. You simply can't do that on Tumblr. It's meant to be ephemeral and community-based.
metalpeter - 01/03/12 18:14
Well I only know of it cause many people use as a way to share pictures a la through facebook links.....
paul - 01/03/12 14:39
Things just dissapear on tumblr?

01/01/2012 11:28 #55830

Happy New Year
Hey it was good to see (e:peeps) again last night!!! It's been a while!
My friends from out of town had a great time too. Maybe too great; Sue left her iPhone somewhere in the 24. Uh... we gotta come by and get that before they leave for Ohio this afternoon...
dragonlady7 - 01/01/12 19:50
Ha! I'm glad you guys were able to figure it out. We couldn't BELIEVE she lost it-- it was in her hand, and then she must have put it down to put her coat on-- ha ha! Thanks for sorting it all out, I wasn't looking forward to having to find it and overnight it to her.
paul - 01/01/12 16:49
It ended up with some girl in south buffalo. When Sue came by we had to track it with mobile me.
YesThatCasey - 01/01/12 15:28
Terry should have the phone. Although, when I gave it to him, he was just a lil' bit tipsy, so remembering where it was might be a fun exercise.
dragonlady7 - 01/01/12 14:05
I call him Z on Facebook and Twitter too. It's easier than Dave because there are like forty million Daves in my immediate and extended social circles.
metalpeter - 01/01/12 11:37
Is there any such thing as to Great :) Glad you and Z (why do I think of him as Z?) had a good time..... Hope the Phone is found guessing it will be....

03/08/2011 20:43 #53788

Oh my God
I just found out about Joshua and I had to come here. It just didn't seem real. I'm so devastated. I mean, I hadn't seen him or his brother in ages, but the ubiquity of social networking means that I'd been idly following along with their adventures and always getting the two mixed up in my head and inwardly being warmed at how close they were. It's such a shock-- it's always a shock when someone so young goes unexpectedly-- but it's more a shock because my (e:strip) world is such a cozy one, and I don't really have words for it.
My thoughts are with his brother, of course, and it's just made me think about so many things I can't bear to think about.
And I miss all you (e:strip)pers, and I miss that cozy little world, and I already miss him being in it, even if I could never tell him apart from his brother and was never quite sure which of them I'd spoken to. How horrible to have them so utterly separated-- how horrible to have his adventures cut short-- how unspeakably tragic-- and I just don't think there are words. Oh Jason. I am so sorry. I am so, so very sorry.
metalpeter - 03/09/11 19:06
I will admit I had trouble telling them apart sometimes my self but I have had this same problem with other twins as well.... To Be honest I'm not sure when I first met Josh but back then to me at least Josh looked different but later on to me they looked more the same I know that sounds crazy so if Apart to me they looked the same but together you could tell whom was who and when talking you could tell them apart as well......... Of course what I said makes things no less shocking I can't Imagine losing a twin...... And someone that close.....
mrmike - 03/08/11 22:34
Agreeing with Carey
theecarey - 03/08/11 20:52
Well said and I share in your sentiment.

I am so heart sick.
tinypliny - 03/08/11 20:50
Yes, it is like losing family though I haven't seen the twins in ages... My heart goes out to (e:Jason).
kookcity2000 - 03/08/11 20:47
I feel bad about all the times I could have hung out in buffalo but did something else instead. Its so caviler to let the months then years slip by and miss seeing good people.

07/22/2010 22:39 #52257

photo classes: Ideas needed!!
Category: photos
So I work for Delaware Camera. Everybody knows that.
The regional manager just went to a trade show, and came home full of awesome ideas. About 5 years ago we used to offer classes and seminars and stuff, how to use your camera and how to take pictures of this or that etc. But the manager was the only one teaching them and he got really burnt out on them. (He actually has social anxieties, kinda, and it really took a lot out of him to do.) So we stopped doing them. But the show was all indie camera stores, and the successful ones all had a healthy class schedule; it's what sets us apart from the "I Dunno It Says Camera On The Box" big-box stores, where you buy a camera and can't figure out how to use it and bring it in and they stare at you like you're nuts for expecting them to have the slightest clue.
So we want to start having classes again. (I might teach some!! Squee!)

I'm wondering-- what classes would y'all attend? Are you interested in learning about photography and cameras? Have you ever wished you knew how to take that perfect picture of something? (If so, what?)

I was thinking a seminar on "How To Get Not-Totally-Shitty Pictures From Your Camera Phone" would be kinda neat, but the problem is, well, most camera phones suck, so the class would mostly consist of "Ok, so stand really really still, and preferably the thing you're photographing is really well-lit and not moving. Oh, it's dark and moving? Well, you're fucked." But still, it's an idea.
I hope you have better ones...
heidi - 07/29/10 14:30
I might take a class in composition. I'd like to learn to take pictures of stars, but this is not the appropriate location.

metalpeter - 07/24/10 10:27
I have seen you Camera Classes advertised I think within the last year.

I think one of the problems is that you have two types of people who take photos
1. The Pro style cameras where you have light metters and exsposure time and all that good stuff. If you don't know that stuff but have that kind of camera could you teach that stuff to someone with out being like a photogrophy school?

2. The type of person I am is a Point and shoot. You know where the camera does everything.
A. Yes there are a lot of people who have no idea what is going on and classes would be a great help and even tips, and the basics would be a big help
b. I think where the problem comes in is often (or maybe just me) these camera all very so much. They have all different kinds of settings. I think when using these cameras what you do to get good pictures is learn the settings and learn what works. (yes knowing the background stuff might help this) .
--- A good example of this was I went to a Fashion Show (going to see stuff on stage tonight also) at club Diablo. There where models on stage. These pictures where tough because the lighting wasn't the same on the entire stag. With a flash stage was bright but a bottom corner of the picture had dark shadows. One part of the stage was fine without a flash so it was very tough, those models don't just stand there......

I don't really have any advice other then to say I wish you luck. I wish I had the skills to buy one of those SLR cameras. Not sure how I would feel about lugging one around though. Maybe the classes at the least could be aimed at people who want to move onto the nicer "Pro style" cameras I'm not really sure?
tinypliny - 07/22/10 23:04
Maybe you could go to the CEPA gallery SLR classes and see what kind of techniques they are offering? I hear the turnout to those classes is decent.

I just view good photos as the outcome of an expensive camera and a sense of art really - so apologies for not offering any direct non-slightly-underhand suggestions. :-)

06/24/2010 21:17 #52029

Niawanda park
Category: mobl

metalpeter - 06/25/10 17:50