I had a wonderful time at the (e:strip) halloween party! Thank you, (e:pmt) for hosting. Somehow I ended up with a sword collection. Not all are plastic, either!
metalpeter - 10/31/11 17:36 glad you had a good time..... How you got the swords I don't know....
10/28/2011 15:57 #55398
About time Category: friends
10/27/2011 15:37 #55390
It's snowing! Category: weather
metalpeter - 10/28/11 18:07 So then your blood pressure is in negative numbers now? Ha......
tinypliny - 10/27/11 22:57 For the past week, the whole world has been just my flat... and walgreens for chocolate sorties. I think I eat too much chocolate. This week alone I finished 10 more bars of 90% lindt.
tinypliny - 10/27/11 22:55 Who knows what the outskirts of the city looks like. My whole world is limited to a 2.5 mile circle around my flat.
heidi - 10/27/11 22:45 Are there any (farm-scale) silos in Buffalo?
This is on Cherry Flats Road in Tioga County, PA :::link:::
tinypliny - 10/27/11 21:27 Season for endless soup is here!!
Where is this? Buffalo?
mrmike - 10/27/11 19:23 The appearance of said snow thereby acts as permit for people to drive like flippin morons even more so, as this never happens, except for every year
metalpeter - 10/27/11 18:26 I heard a rumor of this today where I work and have it confirmed for there....
10/27/2011 00:12 #55385
Trees, cop and an adorable poodle Category: home
Josh the cop at the office. We had a very interesting conversation about the drug trade in town. He has a kevlar vest on, he's not quite that big.
The road I took to get to a client site today. It was breathtaking.
Nisha has stayed with me at my new space only a few times. She's been sneaking off to another room and I couldn't find her. Now I know where she is and why - she found Honey the cat's window perch and *bonus* there's a food dish next to it. Completely happy puppy.
tinypliny - 10/27/11 21:34 Cute! Nisha is so cute!
And what did you learn about the drug trade?? Tell! Tell!
10/18/2011 23:11 #55332
Home Category: friends
Jill & Bodhi. He's so freakin' cute. He was clean and shiny when he and Jill got to the office but two hours later was covered in dirt & markers.
A car I test drove. I liked it a lot more than I expected.
My friend Cody lives off this dirt road.
Cody's yard.
paul - 10/19/11 09:25 Those trees say the winter is quickly approaching.
glad you had a good time..... How you got the swords I don't know....