What is the single most awesome, infinitely more nutritious, 1000x more delicious, 10x cheaper and 10^6 nuttier alternative to Arugula?
Turnip Greens.
They top my all-time-favourite greens-list in mixed salads and fun snacks.
libertad - 04/04/11 10:50 Coco would love those. Those looks so good.
paul - 04/03/11 22:59 I like turnip green, the tortoise loves turnip greens. We like turnips too. The one thing is that they are so sandy, so often.
04/03/2011 12:56 #53968
Now buy that porcelain donkey! Category: the odes
From Chromercise!
04/03/2011 12:38 #53967
Partition Question Category: linux
Couple questions about partitions in linux.
Question 1:
I have three partitions on my laptop:
Let's suppose that I am distro-hopping and want to install some crazy distro on my "experimentation" laptop. Let's further suppose that this new distro is not really similar (in terms of kernel as well as windows manager) to the older distro which was on the laptop.
If I don't format my /home partition, will the older settings (brightness, power management, folder options, screensaver, desktop background etc) be preserved on all old-distro-> new-distro transitions? Why or why not?
Question 2:
Why is it that the installation programs for all linuxes (linuxi?) don't allow me to tick the format checkbox for the swap partition while installing? All the other partitions have "tick-able" format checkboxes.
tinypliny - 04/03/11 16:09 Actually, this is not for my newest laptop - which is running fedora and totally disconnected from the internet... just because I just run statistical models on it.
It's for my oldest laptop. I have converted it into a linux experiment and learning box.
Another dumb question, but what exactly is the difference between a "desktop environment" like gnome and lxde and a "windows manager" like openbox? I thought a desktop environment consists of the entire graphical interface of any system including windows manager.... but a few forum hops later I am not sure this is a correct interpretation.
paul - 04/03/11 13:07 You need virtualbox. Its free and it will let you install whatever test distros in a virtual machine so you can play with them. You can install windows that way too. I can help you set it up on your new laptop if you want.
As for settings those may or may not stick depending if the new district stores them in the same files/format. Usually between different versions of the same OS and window manager you should be good. E.g between fedora 13-14.
Not totally sure about swap but I don't think it asks you to format swap because there is generally one type used for all modern linuxes and I think it autoselects that format for you when you identify the partition as swap.
04/02/2011 09:20 #53962
Bizet done the Bartoli way Category: music
I absolutely adore this performance. I love how she brings so much of her larger-than-everyone-else personality into a song that was written more than a hundred years ago. Who knew Carmen could be so much fun!
tinypliny - 04/02/11 10:06 I just changed it. It was definitely broken.
metalpeter - 04/02/11 10:05 I logged out and logged back in and it is back to the mouse on rice picture?
tinypliny - 04/02/11 10:00 You know, I thought it was my browser's cache issue, but you are seeing that too, huh? I have no idea why it is different from my other small avatars. I will try changing it and see if it synchronizes. Something broke when I tried SSL for a while yesterday.
metalpeter - 04/02/11 09:57 I have another question why next to your name are you using the sepia avatar?
paul - 04/02/11 00:00 Because your browser needs to encrypt all the traffic before sending it.
tinypliny - 04/01/11 23:43 Now that you mention it, I do remember reading that post of yours and wondering what it was. It didn't make much sense then... it makes a bit more sense now. :-)
Why is the SSL version of estrip much slower than the regular version? What is it doing before sending the pages over?
paul - 04/01/11 23:16 The last paragraph of the warning also explains what is happening. You basically nee to import the estrip root certificate - then certs issued by estrip will be trusted.
paul - 04/01/11 23:15 If you read the instructions at (e:paul,53226) that I wrote when I added it, you will see.
paul - 04/01/11 23:13 Because my server is the authority. First you need to import the cert authority as trusted authority before you can trust certificate issued by it. On firefox you just visit estrip.org/trust. I am not sure how you do it in chrome.
I am not paying for SSL certs. These are issued by my server so that you can connect encrypted when in a cafe, at work, etc. If you don't want to use it or trust it just use the http site - its purely an extra luxury that you do not need.
Coco would love those. Those looks so good.
I like turnip green, the tortoise loves turnip greens. We like turnips too. The one thing is that they are so sandy, so often.