Chris's Journal
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08/22/2010 16:17 #52520
Location testingWhere am I?

08/14/2010 13:13 #52443
Android TabletThis is my new toy. It is an Android 7in Tablet.

tinypliny - 08/14/10 17:13
Oooh, how exciting. I am really really hoping for a tablet/laptop combo directly through Google - well, subsidized through their Asian manufacturers.
Oooh, how exciting. I am really really hoping for a tablet/laptop combo directly through Google - well, subsidized through their Asian manufacturers.
chris - 08/14/10 15:32
Lol. Its an Augen Gentouch78, it was sold in Kmart for a few weeks. It was $149.99 only.. Its a Chinese ODM thats rebraded by an American company. This is just my play thing until the real tablets start coming out.. This one has no camera, mic, or gps.. but for the price, what can you expect.. lol Next month has a few name brand ones starting to hit the market, so we will see..
Lol. Its an Augen Gentouch78, it was sold in Kmart for a few weeks. It was $149.99 only.. Its a Chinese ODM thats rebraded by an American company. This is just my play thing until the real tablets start coming out.. This one has no camera, mic, or gps.. but for the price, what can you expect.. lol Next month has a few name brand ones starting to hit the market, so we will see..
paul - 08/14/10 14:47
You are such a size queen. What brand is it.
You are such a size queen. What brand is it.
On your way to the sewer plant island?