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07/03/2010 13:12 #52087

Category: pets


i miss her.

06/21/2010 08:22 #51982

martha's new book
Category: dream
I had a dream that I was standing in Martha Stewart's kitchen trying to convince her that she should publish a book on crime scene cleaning. What's that all about?
uncutsaniflush - 06/21/10 14:12
If it was me, the dream would be a result of seeing both CSI and the Martha Stewart right before I went to sleep.

06/19/2010 12:32 #51958

I got the job!
Category: job
So we're moving to London! We've already got the kitty sent ahead of time so she can start 'doing her time'. Poor thing, her only crime was to be born here. Now she has to spend 6 months in lock up. At least we'll have her back in time for Christmas :)

Totally stoked about the new job! I start September 1st. Awesome location and yet another chance to be part of a brand new office and create the program. I guess that's going to be my career trademark.

Hopefully folks will actually hop the pond and visit this time! Can't offer you a place to stay since it's a central London flat (ie extremely small) but there are youth hostels and cheaper hotels to be found.

Check it out!

paul - 06/21/10 09:09
Somehow I missed this one before, congratulations!
mrmike - 06/19/10 23:13
That is insanely great
metalpeter - 06/19/10 18:44
Again Congrats. I have a feeling you will get people visting you two. I don't do the international travel thing, but if I did london would be one place I would want to go, plus for people who travel it could be one of various stops.

06/02/2010 09:17 #51784

salman rushdie
Category: potpourri
Was the opening plenary speaker at NAFSA last night. He was amazing! It felt so good to hear someone speak about human rights and literature. Plus who knew he's such a funny guy!

05/13/2010 09:41 #51546

ECSAF award
Category: about doha
We had our end of year Student Affairs Forum luncheon today. I won the Sustainability Award for my work on starting a sustainability program in the residence halls this year. This makes me happy because it is the first time I have been recognized for my hard work over here. I can leave knowing I have TRULY left my mark on this place :) TGIT peeps!
metalpeter - 05/14/10 17:22
leetee - 05/14/10 13:22
mrmike - 05/13/10 20:54
uncutsaniflush - 05/13/10 10:40