I put this is the sex categories cause I don't have a sex & relationships one but it does kinda fit. Don't worry there will not be any pictures of the fun of being single and what one does or any thing like that. No what this little bit of writing is about is how I can't imagine being in a serious relationship. I'm not saying being in one would be bad but it would be so different.
The Movies: So when I go to the movies I like to go early in the day. There some reasons for this. It is Cheaper. It is bad enough if you don't like the movie and then to add that extra cash in. There is less of a crowd. I'm sorry but I want to sit where I want to sit I don't want to have to do an obstacle course of people to find my seat. Plus at night is when a lot of assholes come out, also trouble makers, that is why the cheap show on elmwood closed. Going by myself I can choose what movie and when to go. Now Dating someone we would first have to choose a movie, I think finding one we both would like might be tough. Hey if we don't like the same type of movie then maybe we should just end it then right? Then we have to figure out when and where to go and all that back and fourth argh. Then since I'm the guy it would be 2 tickets and you can't go with a date with out getting the food, Have you seen the prices? They often don't even have the collectable movie promo bags anymore, argh...... I'm guessing with the added cost it would be down to one movie a month at the best.
Sports: This year I have Bandits Season tickets and if they make the playoffs then I will have to get those as well. I sit right on the glass, have no idea how I got that lucky again. I also got lucky in that the people next to me on my left are pretty cool. Now assuming the person I was with liked the games or wanted to go well then. There is no way would be on the glass. Then the ticket prices would double again 2 tickets. I like to go down early and eat and watch all the warm ups. That leads to how would we work that out. Now what happens if we break up during the season how on earth would we work that out? Who's tickets are they really? If she is a fan she isn't going to want to stop going and neither would I.
Some of what I mentioned is true of the sabres also. This year for the first time ever I got a mini pack. Well it is kinda a mini pack but for some reason didn't have all the benefits of the other ones. I think it was 6 games. Again the same stuff applies here 2 tickets so farther away from the ice. Double the price from tickets and food. I'm guessing do to the bandits it would be down to 1 or 2 sabres games at the most. Now money wise I would go with the bandits but she might want the sabres. Of course both of these assume she likes sports, hey maybe she would rather just go with her girls but I doubt it.
(e:strip) events. Ok I admit I think it would make those more fun. Well assuming she likes the (e:peeps). Nice Parties and get togethers are better with two. Plus she could take some pictures and if she Joined the site take some of the pressure of off the Peterazzi. The down side is that entire do you want to stay for like a certain time or just see what happens? That entire nogociate thing ?Argh
I thought I was going to go on for longer but I kinda ran out of steam. Other then to say concerts would be the same way. When I go to a show I like to see the openers. I'm sorry people who come in and only see the main act piss me off. You know why your main act is a main act now, because people found out about them when they where an opener. Then of course figuring who we want to see together could be interesting, hopefully we like the same bands or one of us is really going to want to blow our brains out.
Metalpeter's Journal
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03/28/2010 10:40 #51279
Being Single is weird but ...........Category: sex
03/21/2010 10:57 #51236
Repo MenCategory: movies
Yesterday I went to See Repo Men. I thought it was very good. Hey you gotta love Action Sci-fi Movies . If you haven't seen the preview it is about a company that makes artifical organs. When you can't pay the bill the company collects the organs back. Jude Law plays one of the repo men. I have to say one thing what a great voice he has. Does anyone else remember years ago that he retired from acting and came back to do some movie. I want to say it was AI what a great movie untill the wacky ending. I can't say anything else cause I don't want to take a chance and give any thing away.
Before the Movie I saw a preview for Iron Man 2 it looks amazing. Did I read no, but I love How this movie looks. I just have one question why isn't Nick Furry played by David Hassholf ? For those that don't know their was a S.H.E.I.L.D movie with Hassleholf not sure if I saw it, not to many people did. Yes Iron Man 2 started at the end of the 1st movie if you watched the Credits you would know this, HA.
They also had a trailer/Preview for the new Robin Hood Movie with Russel Crowe it looks pretty good, this isn't that exact one they showed but is is offical so.......
Now back to Repo Men. I had read on Facebook that Repo Men was based on a Musical or at least they took a good idea from one. So then I was told this again by someone who works for the regal so here is the page about that I admit Now I want to see if I can find it on video just so I can see Paris Hilton sing, I know she can talk, take on a big gorgeous cock, I wonder how she sings. Well here is the link or web adress.

Before the Movie I saw a preview for Iron Man 2 it looks amazing. Did I read no, but I love How this movie looks. I just have one question why isn't Nick Furry played by David Hassholf ? For those that don't know their was a S.H.E.I.L.D movie with Hassleholf not sure if I saw it, not to many people did. Yes Iron Man 2 started at the end of the 1st movie if you watched the Credits you would know this, HA.
They also had a trailer/Preview for the new Robin Hood Movie with Russel Crowe it looks pretty good, this isn't that exact one they showed but is is offical so.......
Now back to Repo Men. I had read on Facebook that Repo Men was based on a Musical or at least they took a good idea from one. So then I was told this again by someone who works for the regal so here is the page about that I admit Now I want to see if I can find it on video just so I can see Paris Hilton sing, I know she can talk, take on a big gorgeous cock, I wonder how she sings. Well here is the link or web adress.

03/17/2010 18:51 #51208
Part 2 St. Patrick's DayCategory: photos

I don't really know if so far if these pictures really show how packed it was and how it was a good time. I'm still not sure how (e:Paul) found a spot that was so close. Yes the view was some what obsureced but it was still very close. Ok only 500 more pictures to go, kidding.

I do Have more Photos to post but this is were I end part 2, part 1 was supposed to have more photos but it didn't work out that way. I just want to say it was a great time and I had a great time, hope everyone else did as well. Hoping that the next part will be the final part and will have the Queen City Roller Girls and some wrestling but not sure about that.
03/23/2010 19:13 #51254
Part 4 2010 St. Partick's dayCategory: photos
I can't believe I'm still Posting Pictues from the Day of the Parade. well with the (e:strip) Gathering there was one both before and after the Parade. On the 12th I went to a sabres game and I still don't have any of those pictures on line, argh.......... Well here goes.

Well that is Pretty much all of them, yes there was some Wreslin' . It was a great time and again thanks to (e:PMT) for hosting and everyone who was there it was a great time. I did see some other camersa but not sure if there are other pictures that where taken by others.

Well that is Pretty much all of them, yes there was some Wreslin' . It was a great time and again thanks to (e:PMT) for hosting and everyone who was there it was a great time. I did see some other camersa but not sure if there are other pictures that where taken by others.
metalpeter - 03/24/10 17:39
Well that is fine as long as you get them posted before what ever you do on the 4th, HA. Have fun in fl.
Well that is fine as long as you get them posted before what ever you do on the 4th, HA. Have fun in fl.
vincent - 03/23/10 22:50
Wow, it looked like a really fun time, too bad I missed it.
BTW I'm headed back to Florida in 2 weeks, I guess I'll be posting pictures until July! ;-)
Wow, it looked like a really fun time, too bad I missed it.
BTW I'm headed back to Florida in 2 weeks, I guess I'll be posting pictures until July! ;-)
03/19/2010 19:25 #51224
Part 3 St. Pat's 2010Category: photos
Well if for anyone who looked at my pictures from the St. Patrick's day Parade and event here are more. It was a great time and How packed it was doesn't really show or maybe it does?

metalpeter - 03/20/10 12:28
Funny thing is I wasn't trying to it just kinda happened with all the crazyness to bad you didn't take or get more shots, I still have more to post also but that will go under the peterazzi tag I think.
Funny thing is I wasn't trying to it just kinda happened with all the crazyness to bad you didn't take or get more shots, I still have more to post also but that will go under the peterazzi tag I think.
paul - 03/19/10 19:45
I only used my phone once to take that one pic I posted. Somehow you caught that.
I only used my phone once to take that one pic I posted. Somehow you caught that.
Thanks for the insight. I just want to point out that there are some of those people who need to be in a relationship or who are all ways in one it seems. If I was one of them I'm sure this entire being single thing, would blow my mind. Why the fuck would you want to go see a movie by your self the entire point of a date movie is to make out or get hugged real tight at a horror movie or that kind of thing. The other thing that blows my mind is people who are a couple and then work together also. I mean come on you both need a tiny bit of you time? I don't mean people who work together and then get together that is a little bit different.
Single is nice cause you have a lot of freedom. But you really get used to it quickly and you can get really good at it. Some would say you get in a grove and some might call it a rut and depends on how you look at it. Hey I love stories and that is why I like TV shows. But I also love sports. But there is this other part of me somewhere that kinda thinks it would be great if I was out and about and had no idea what was even on.
I'm glad you enjoy being single. I do want to say though that you really shouldn't be expected to pay for a girl on a date. It is old fashioned and some girls might demand it, but I personally think that when on a date you pay your own way.