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03/24/2010 19:52 #51259

Bright orange hi-tops for an interesting day off. :o)


Yesterday was my last day at my old job location. I feel an unexpected sadness. I will miss working with some people.

Keith always made me laugh, sometimes to the point of not being able to breathe. He could say the things i was thinking and would get a dirty look for, but everyone would laugh when he said it.

And, for whatever reason, i liked Keri the moment i saw her, even though she tends to give newcomers a bit of a cold shoulder (now that i know her, i know it is just because she quietly observes). I said, "me too!' when talking to her more than anyone other than my husband....

Denise was always good for a fun time at work, and a few times we would make each other laugh so much we were both snorting, which would make us laugh more, then snort more.

Ricky could almost out OCD me, which is a scary thought, and we used to 'crop circle' each other, cleaning and tidying and making sure all the dishes, linens, lids, containers and, most importantly, food in the fridge was in order.

Jessica was always interested in what shoes i was wearing and was always nice to me, even when almost everyone else wasn't. She is so sweet.

Karen J will always be the voice i hear when anyone says Long Island. I will miss that ditzy blonde.

03/23/2010 12:03 #51252


metalpeter - 03/23/10 18:07
Those are Pretty wild

03/22/2010 12:13 #51246

Good Rat!
Today's choice... and the first day of 3 - 5 day Health Department visit at work. *shudder*


And last night, Linus didn't mind me snapping his picture a few times. He didn't even try to bite the camera. Yay! Progress!

tinypliny - 03/22/10 19:57
Awwwww... what kind of rat is he?
lauren - 03/22/10 13:51
those are some awesome whiskers!

03/19/2010 14:27 #51220

03-18, 19, 20-10
Yesterday, i wore no chucks.

Today and tomorrow, i wear this pair while at my parent's house, celebrating my mom's birthday.

hodown - 03/22/10 16:26
I really like these ones :)
tinypliny - 03/20/10 17:59
terry - 03/19/10 16:09
me likey :)

03/17/2010 11:17 #51204

Can you believe i do not own a green pair... a pair that might be appropriate for St. Patrick's Day? Perhaps a reason to shop????

So, i decided on the orange of the Irish flag.


And, i will wear a green t-shirt. I even did a quick curl of my reddish hair so i won't stick out as the only one who did not prepare for the campus St Patty's parade at the DDSO today.