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06/24/2009 17:23 #49066

SC vs. NC
Category: politics

SC's finally eclipsed us NC folks in some area. The best our former senator could do is some cougar videographer. Meanwhile Sanford goes for Argentinian hotties. Bonus kudos if the whole affair involved an exceptionally well-done tango.
heidi - 06/24/09 22:06
(She's not a cougar if she's in the same age range or younger than the object of her affections.)

06/16/2009 02:33 #48987

Fuckin' Beautiful
Category: funny
It's incubation of young minds like this that make me proud to be an alumnus of North Carolina State University.

metalpeter - 06/16/09 18:12
Yeah that Barrel monster is pretty cool

05/15/2009 15:04 #48674

Plumber Recommendations
Category: apartment
The kitchen sink in our new place still doesn't work. After two weeks, we're still washing dishes in our bath tub, which is starting to feel real 19th century-like. The handyman guy who the landlord was gonna have come by today is absent, and we can take it any longer so we're going to hire someone ourselves and then deduct the bill from our rent.

Can anyone on estrip recommend a plumber they've had good experiences with?

matthew - 05/15/09 18:33
we use Penny's Hardware & Plumbing. they are nice guys and do good work, not to expensive...for a plumber.

2498 Elmwood Ave
Buffalo, NY 14217
(716) 875-4251‎
tinypliny - 05/15/09 15:08
My building plumber is a very efficient bloke but he in inordinately fond of pouring dishwashing fluid down the drain. He lives in my building. I don't know his number though.

I realize this is not a very helpful comment but if there are no recommendations in the next few hours, I can probably phone my manager and get his contact details.

03/12/2009 16:49 #48033

Work Haiku
Category: haiku
Boss wants it done, but
Each new feature requested
Moves the goal posts back.

02/13/2009 17:17 #47746

Category: crash
I had this dread today that someone who I knew was on board the plane that crashed.

An hour or two ago I got an e-mail from my synagogue mailing list informing us that our cantor, Susan Wehle, died in the crash. I didn't know her very well, but she was a lovely person, had a beautiful singing voice, and was very enthusiastic about her job. She was the person who would have done the blessings at Ari's bris if the Rabbi weren't around last April.

We'll miss you, Susan.

tinypliny - 02/13/09 18:19
drew - 02/13/09 17:54
Oh man. I feel bad for you and your congregation.
jason - 02/13/09 17:30
Oh no. Lord rest her.