We intended to catch the train but i was too lazy to run for it and no others came, but I got these two shots as compensation.

And we walked to the harbor.

This is probably my favorite.

That's (e:tinypliny) on the dock (i don't know the right word - is it a slip?), but it's hard to see her silhouette.

Postcard, anyone?

and one really bad picture of the ducks that came begging to us.

Great Pictures, I may go check out the waterfront on Saturday or I may not we shall see.
On a side note are you sure (e:tinypliny) wasn't dumping a body in the water? Ha. Or maybe she was getting a weapon she hid under the dock? Ha. Glad you two had fun, sometimes you can see things better when the picture is printed out.
Great shots, even the one of "Where's Tiny?"