Yea there's another one for the obituaries on deadmalls.com but we knew it was coming.

Pretty much ever since 1994 it's been downhill for that place. I remember when they had two movies theaters one inside the mall and a General Cinema Sixplex outside across the street. The most memorable movie that I saw inside was Ghostbusters and I think the last film I saw in there was The Return of Shaft, in which my friend Bill and I were the only people in the place. We went because we were denied admittance to some rated R movie across the street and we went to see Shaft II just because it was rated R for the principle alone just to be rebellious I guess. Although i do remember seeing Chevy Chase in European Vacation with my Dad one night and I though it was so cool that we were in the Mall when it was closed, approximately 10-11 at night.
There were other things that I remember about the place. When I was a kid there were these pits in the middle of the common hallway in which you could go down and sit. They were for the most part outside of Jenss and if you go way back the pet store. Yea, Jenss the place were my Grandma would take me to go buy "nice" clothes that kind of made me feel out of place in comparison to the way the other kids were dressed at school. I guess I didn't appreciate being well dressed and preppy until much later on in life when I had a better grasp on who I was as a person.
But going about crazy stores in the place, I even remember in the late 80's very early 90's they even had a Gap in the place. You can't forget those guidoesque stores like Chess King selling Z Cavaricci where they had bad 80's music playing like Taylor Dayne and really push sales people working strictly on commission and bad hairspray.
My personal favorite was York Steak house (WIKIPEDIA - York Steak House) in it's many incarnations of layout. I just remember going there with my Late Grandmother and I think it was one of the first places where I ever seen a automated change dispenser from a cash register. Since back in the day I don't think they even had a real food court until the early 90's.
Other than that there was the McCory's which always sold junk except for the brief moment in time when they had a music store what leased space from them. On another note, they did have a cafeteria next in McCory's that did have an ICEE machine as well.
Other things that I can remember that stick out in my head were the crazy 70's fountain in the place that had a bridge over it and Waldenbooks which seemed to be there the entire time that I can recall.
Here is a flick photo gallery with a video at the mall the other day. :::link::: The video of the guy singing in the mall just seems like a sign of the end of the mall.
awesome post!
and sad news!
I ended up publishing my comment as a post instead of keeping it here. It turned out to be much too long. (e:theecarey,48619)
thanks for taking me back to some fine memories!
Thanks Paul!
What an awesome journal - I feel like I toured the mall. Seriously, these are the kind of wny memories I love - although this one is kind of sad.
When we bought our sugar gliders in that petstore, I remember thinking - this place can't stay open that much longer. I guess it didn't.