Last month, I traveled through the Adirondacks for the first time when I went with Aaron to see his family in Northern New York. I've never really seen anything like it in person before. I think I've fallen in love with the mountains. I breathe easier when I'm there.
I'm looking for a new place. I want to spend a little less than I am now, and live on my own again. I think I found a complex that I like. It's on the bus line from the University, has utilities included, has a laundromat, and it is next to a beautiful little park. It also seems very safe and quiet.
It's strange to me how many times I've moved over the past three years. I think I counted about six places. I honestly miss Buffalo so much. I miss the people there.
Museumchick's Journal
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05/02/2009 00:17 #48564
nomadCategory: albany
01/20/2009 12:36 #47459
InaugurationCategory: politics
"Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." Martin Luther King
Less than fifty years ago, most African-Americans were denied the right to vote. Our country adopted a system of "separate but equal" that was brutal, unjust, and inherently "unequal". Lynching and violence against anyone who tried to overturn this system was a shockingly common practice in America. Less than one hundred years ago, women were denied suffrage. Today, a man of black ancestry is now the President of the United States. A woman is our Secretary of State, as is the Speaker of the House.
I don't know how much the situation in our country will improve now that Obama is President. Sometimes I think that the expectations of many Americans are far beyond what any person can accomplish. Even so, I am hopeful and proud to be an American today.
God Bless America.
Less than fifty years ago, most African-Americans were denied the right to vote. Our country adopted a system of "separate but equal" that was brutal, unjust, and inherently "unequal". Lynching and violence against anyone who tried to overturn this system was a shockingly common practice in America. Less than one hundred years ago, women were denied suffrage. Today, a man of black ancestry is now the President of the United States. A woman is our Secretary of State, as is the Speaker of the House.
I don't know how much the situation in our country will improve now that Obama is President. Sometimes I think that the expectations of many Americans are far beyond what any person can accomplish. Even so, I am hopeful and proud to be an American today.
God Bless America.
metalpeter - 01/21/09 17:54
(e:jenks) I will admit I had No Idea Slash was mixed and then one of my friends told me (the friend was black). Then when GNR had that line something like Niggers and Fagots get out of my. That caused some problems in the band to since that was an insult to Slash. I don't know all the details of that though since I wasn't in the band.
(e:jenks) I will admit I had No Idea Slash was mixed and then one of my friends told me (the friend was black). Then when GNR had that line something like Niggers and Fagots get out of my. That caused some problems in the band to since that was an insult to Slash. I don't know all the details of that though since I wasn't in the band.
jenks - 01/21/09 17:05
slash is biracial? i never knew that.
And sorry to blaspheme, but you made me think of an e-card that said "I wonder what MLK would think if he knew that our first black president is actually a half-white Hawaiian metrosexual"
slash is biracial? i never knew that.
And sorry to blaspheme, but you made me think of an e-card that said "I wonder what MLK would think if he knew that our first black president is actually a half-white Hawaiian metrosexual"
metalpeter - 01/20/09 20:12
Some people look at this as progress. I don't. If he is a great president then in 4 years ok I would agree. But if he is bad or makes things worse then their might not be a black president or anyone black in power. One thing you need to remember is there are a lot of people in this country who think a black guy being president is aweful. There are some people who think it is good or ok, but if messes things up they will think that no one black can handle the job. There are also people who say he isn't black that he is half black and half white and that would make him a Melato (slash of guns and roses is one also sorry I can't spell). Yes I would agree that currently it is progress, and it is good. But he hasn't really done anything yet. I hope he turns this country around isn't just like all the people who don't really care about anyone once they are in office. I hope that he becomes a president of the people and changes what it means to be a president and that would be real progress. We shall see what happens.
Some people look at this as progress. I don't. If he is a great president then in 4 years ok I would agree. But if he is bad or makes things worse then their might not be a black president or anyone black in power. One thing you need to remember is there are a lot of people in this country who think a black guy being president is aweful. There are some people who think it is good or ok, but if messes things up they will think that no one black can handle the job. There are also people who say he isn't black that he is half black and half white and that would make him a Melato (slash of guns and roses is one also sorry I can't spell). Yes I would agree that currently it is progress, and it is good. But he hasn't really done anything yet. I hope he turns this country around isn't just like all the people who don't really care about anyone once they are in office. I hope that he becomes a president of the people and changes what it means to be a president and that would be real progress. We shall see what happens.
10/02/2008 22:49 #45909
VP DebatesCategory: politics
Sarah Palin wasn't as bad as I thought she would in the debate tonight. I think Joe Biden did a great job conveying his understanding of the issues, but it was certainly the most interesting VP debate that I have seen.
It probably goes without saying that I find her stances on many issues to be very troubling. Especially on reproductive rights. I would just assume that she never be involved with the executive branch. I'd be fine if we made her an ambassador- perhaps with the Russian Federation? As she has claimed, she has foreign policy experience, based upon her tenure as governor of Alaska.
It probably goes without saying that I find her stances on many issues to be very troubling. Especially on reproductive rights. I would just assume that she never be involved with the executive branch. I'd be fine if we made her an ambassador- perhaps with the Russian Federation? As she has claimed, she has foreign policy experience, based upon her tenure as governor of Alaska.
metalpeter - 10/03/08 19:13
I admit I passed out on the debate But from what I saw of it, I was impressed with Palin, I'm not saying I'm a fan of hers but from what I saw she did a pretty good job conveying her self.
I admit I passed out on the debate But from what I saw of it, I was impressed with Palin, I'm not saying I'm a fan of hers but from what I saw she did a pretty good job conveying her self.
gardenmama - 10/03/08 17:29
Banished to Siberia, I like it.
Banished to Siberia, I like it.
09/07/2008 12:04 #45599
google transitCategory: life
Something interesting that I just found out is that Google now has a site where you can get transit directions for most cities:

So if you are lost without a car and have web browser capabilities on your cell phone, you might be able to find a way to get home.
I've been doing okay. Some days, better than others. I have been back in Albany for a couple of weeks now. My classes have been interesting, and my job is doing well. II hope all of you are having a great time in Buffalo!

So if you are lost without a car and have web browser capabilities on your cell phone, you might be able to find a way to get home.
I've been doing okay. Some days, better than others. I have been back in Albany for a couple of weeks now. My classes have been interesting, and my job is doing well. II hope all of you are having a great time in Buffalo!
tinypliny - 09/07/08 14:41
Yeah, I wish they would hurry up and release it for Buffalo! But I suppose its somewhat low on their todo list.
Yeah, I wish they would hurry up and release it for Buffalo! But I suppose its somewhat low on their todo list.
08/21/2008 13:25 #45393
i'm not sure if this looks like me,but..Category: photos

tinypliny - 08/21/08 22:09
It certainly does look like you. Heeeeellllllooo (e:museumchick). *Wink wink* :D
It certainly does look like you. Heeeeellllllooo (e:museumchick). *Wink wink* :D
I actually have Ironweed as the next movie on my netflix list. I'm reading Kennedy's book O'Albany right now. I'm really enjoying it.
I will happily look for a foul mouthed man named Torben.
Unrelated, but have you seen the movie Ironweed yet? It will make you feel like "Damn, that is so Albany".
Also unrelated, and old acquaintance of mine will be doing grad school in the Public HIstory program. So, should you be in class with a foul mouthed man named Torben, say hello.