My gardens are starting to bloom and Mother Nature is persistent.
I went out this morning and cut open the landscaping fabric to let the bulbs through. The landscaping fabric was necessary to try to combat the Bishop's Weed that has been overrunning the garden, but I didn't know where all the bulbs were planted but I'm finding out now.
(e:Matthew) let me know what flowers or plants or veggies you're looking for. I'm always working in my gardens in the summer. If I can ever figure out how to split my poppies, I'd be happy to share them with you.
Oh Ok yeah I think you where in the green room at the computer, I have seen you before but didn't know who you where.
(e:metalpeter) I was wearing an orange hooded sweater and yes I saw myself in some of your pictures.
(e:tinypliny) the black fabric is landscaping fabric that I had to cut away. The pics were uploaded in reverse order. The bulbs were trying to poke through so I helped them out.
(e:paul) yes a dinner party soon would be fun. We always enjoy spending time with you guys.
I have to admit I'm not sure who you are in person, that being said hope it was a good time. You may have gotten on Camera. There where some people who I know didn't like (e:drew) and I'm sure some others as well.
What is that black fabric covering the shoots? Is that landscaping fabric? Have the shoots grown through it or did you wrap the shoots in it and then cut holes for them to grow through? How are they going to get sunlight if you wrapped them?
Glad your guys made it, we shoudl have a dinner party again soon.