Metalpeter's Journal
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03/21/2009 10:48 #48145
Oz Chong YumaCategory: entertainment
Yes they did have pretty Ladies selling Wizard of Oz stuff, I bought a T-shirt and Magnet and thought about Toto but passed. So as I walked in to the seating area it was pretty cool there was someone playing and old looking organ. I don't remember all the songs but there where a couple Beatles songs, looked like it was a young kid. I have to admit that the Wizard of Oz is a weird movie, on its own. But it is very good. But in Musical Form it gets even weirder, but in a good way. I think that as long as you understand that then the Play would be fine. I don't know enough about the arts to know if it is a play or a musical. I think it is a play my self. The reason I say that the way they talk is with talking and not songs. The songs are only the songs in the movie. That was one of things that worried me would they make talking into songs and they didn't. I said how things where kinda weird but in a good way. With the exception of Toto every thing was played by people. The scene where they sleep in the flowers was a popie seed dance scene (but you still knew what was going on), the flying monkey was played by people (cool out fits by the way), The crows where very creepy. Now the munchkins had all sorts of outfits but some of them where taller then Dorothy. That makes sense, yes you can have some kids but where do you get real munchkins these days. Yes there where some pyro and effects. Yes there where parts that where funny. All in all it was very good, everyone should go see it. Well that assumes you like the wizard of Oz. That being said I should mention that is the first play I have seen that uses video. Yes they had two screens that I could see. When things start out there is a house set and then in the background the have the land and moving trees on the screen as a background. They also do this at the end of the show when they look at a wind mill. When the two screens are the most import is when the twister comes. Dorothy is in the house and you see the storm around her and it really looks pretty cool. You see the old lady go by on the video screen and a bolt of lighting turns her into the witch. I like the use of video, to me it is new but maybe it has been going on for a long time and I just haven't seen a production that uses it. I thought it was very good. Oh if you have seen Wicked forget about for one night and enjoy this and then after the fact combine the stories. Since I bought stuff I didn't go to Diablo it would have been a great time. Sometimes I wish I lived downtown could have dropped the stuff off at my place and then gone over there, but I don't so.........
a/k/a Tommy Chong. Is a movie I have wanted to see for some time. I missed it when it was first on Showtime. I watched it on Sho On Demand yesterday. I found it pretty interesting. You do find some stuff out about him I had no idea of. It isn't only about his arrest for selling bongs over the internet, but that is what the story mainly focuses on. It is a documentary and does star him. Some times it doesn't. It also has footage of him doing some stand up, that is pretty good. Of course it does get into politics. Hey how can it not he got arrested not for weed but for selling bongs over the internet to the DEA, it is pretty interesting.
The other movie I watched was also on showtime. 3:10 to Yuma. For those of you who know about movies yes it is a remake of a very old movie. I never saw the original so I can't say if the story is the same. Yes it is a western so you have lots of shooting and that kind of thing. But it isn't only that. Yes Russell Crowe is in it and he has great dialog. Batman I mean Christan Bale is in it also, and other people who I know there face but not there name. I thought the acting was pretty good my self. There is a twist that well I would call it maybe a double reveal towards the end that I won't give away. The general story is this. Bale owes people money, it is post civil war in AZ. The Railroad wants his land. He and his family are out and about when they witness the tail end of a stage coach robbery (that entire scene was so good and so violent with lots of shooting). Bale's live stock get used by Crowe so he lets him have it back and takes the family horses. Eventually it turns out that they catch Crowe in town and they need another man to help get him to this town where he will catch the 3:10 to Yuma (it is a prison where he will be hung). From there more chaos takes place and fight scenes and his gang tries to rescue him. I think it is pretty good. There are some bible references in the movie to. I like that the bad guy can " " it that is kinda a cool touch. All in all a great movie with a different kind of story line, where "The Good Guy" isn't really the Hero and where "The Bad Guy" doesn't just kill everyone. I say two thumbs up or maybe 3 out of 4 stars.
Hope everyone has a great weeked!!!!!!!!!!
03/18/2009 18:56 #48113
A Bronx DreamCategory: tv
03/15/2009 12:20 #48060
Bling Buffalo news storyCategory: drugs

A diamond-encrusted Breitling wristwatch, valued at $148,000, was seized in Kenmore.
Updated: 03/15/09 07:44 AM
Bling, other assets total $1.2 million in drug raids
Times are tough these days, and many people struggle to make ends meet.
But one small group of people - some of the main players in the Buffalo drug gang known as 31 - has been enjoying some prosperity, at least until a Feb. 26 drug raid, authorities say.
More than $1.2 million in drug proceeds - ranging from a $148,000 diamond-encrusted wristwatch and other flashy bling to $215,000 cash found in a car-have been seized in the investigation, according to the FBI-led Safe Streets Task Force.
"Some of the people in this particular group were doing very well financially," said James A. Jancewicz, an FBI special agent with the task force.
The veteran investigator also was quick to point out that the life of a drug dealer involves more than flash and glamour.
"Many of the people involved in drug dealing are eventually going to wind up going to prison or getting killed by other dealers," Jancewicz said. "It's a high-risk profession."
Law enforcement officers define bling-also known as bling-bling- as the gaudy jewelry worn by some celebrities and also by some drug dealers. But investigators noted that many other drug dealers try hard to avoid the spotlight and never wear ostentatious jewelry or clothing.
Thirty-three people were arrested in Western New York and one in Reno, Nev., in connection with allegations of cocaine- trafficking and money-laundering by the 31 gang. Only a handful of the defendants is believed to have accumulated expensive possessions.
The more than $1.2 million in seized valuables is an unusually high amount for a Buffaloarea drug case, agents and prosecutors said. According to Assistant U. S. Attorney Kurt P. Martin, the items include:
> A Breitling wristwatch, encrusted with diamonds and valued at $148,000, was found in a couch cushion at a suspected dealer's "bachelor pad" on Victoria Boulevard in Kenmore. Other bling discovered at the same location includes another expensive watch with numerous diamonds and an ornate necklace - also with diamonds - with a huge diamond-studded medallion bearing the initials "GR."
The jewelry is believed to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
> An $84,000 2007 Mercedes- Benz sedan found in a garage on the Victoria Boulevard property. Eric Marshall, described as a cocaine supplier for the gang, owned the car and much of the jewelry, authorities said.
> $215,000 in cash found Feb. 17 in a car owned by Marcus Chambers, an accused drug dealer. Police seized the cash in Mentor, Ohio, near Cleveland.
> $170,000 in cash seized Dec. 11 from a safe deposit box in a North Buffalo bank branch. Agents say they believe the cash belonged to Glance Ross, an accused dealer, and that the box was rented by former Syracuse University basketball star Damone Brown.
> More than $90,000 cash found in other locations during the Feb. 27 drug raids.
For anyone who thinks the life of a drug dealer sounds like an exciting opportunity, Jancewicz cited the example of David Howard, 36, of Buffalo, a defendant in the case who faces three felony drug charges.
"On Sept. 12, David Howard was shot five times in the chest outside a drug house on Shumway Street," Jancewicz said. "He survived and recovered. . . . But now, he's in jail."
Authorities said federal prosecutors are seeking forfeiture of all the cash, jewelry, cars and other items seized during the investigation.
"Ultimately, we expect that all the money we get from these forfeitures will come back to law enforcement agencies," Jancewicz said. "It will be used for paying overtime in investigations, buying high-tech equipment, paying for training and other crime-fighting uses," he explained.
I liked the story and look at it as a different take on the War on Drugs.
03/17/2009 18:14 #48090
2009 St. Pats Part 2Category: holiday
Ok so if you read my previous post I left off with pictures during the Parade. Here are some more of them.

So then After the Parade it was over to (e:PMT)'s. I can only say what I was a party to. Lets see there where horses out side, wrestling, going up on the roof, hanging out, (e:terry) passing out and getting drawn on, relaxing out side in the sun. I think that about sums it up Here are the pictures of those things. Oh yeah and the food was pretty good, thanks.

I just wanted to add that it was a nice little (e:peep) gathering that turned out pretty well I think. Oh there is one funny thing I forgot about but if you see the picture you will notice someone pulled up and blocked the drive way to drop a kid off at the church as we where all sitting out side in front of the house, how strange. Hope everyone has(d) a nice Holiday, and again thanks (e:pmt) .
Thanks. There was one thing I forgot to mention. Being up on the roof was pretty cool. I bet that could be an interesting place to take sunrise and sunset pictures. The getting up wasn't to bad but the getting down was a bit scary.
Nice pics metalpeter. You take a lot of good shots and I hardly ever notice when you are taking them.
03/16/2009 19:21 #48075
St. Patrick's Day Part 1Category: holiday
Here are some Pictures from before the Parade.

At some point here the Parade will start just not sure where. These photos more get the atmosphere. One reason for that is often the cops make the people in the street move back. It was really packed I I didn't think I had a chance to even get close. I also didn't want to get forced back.

Oops I double posted a few pictures sorry, That is one reason why I don't like Discs vs. on the computer. (e:strip) for what ever reason at least on firefox doesn't preview pictures that are on a disc and I have no idea why. Ok back to pictures.

Well I did wind up getting closer as you can kinda tell from the photos.

Well it is tough to know where to end a journal and start another one but seeing as my internet is starting to act really slow now would be a good time. I just want to add that coming up in the next post is why I'm glad I didn't drink to much. I wouldn't want to wind up passed out Like (e:Terry) or be worried about falling off the roof or something.
You are welcome,hope you liked them there are more to come.
I miss parades and dressing up. I heart guinness. Thanks for letting me live vicariously through your pictures :)
yeah I always try to avoid reading any reviews before seeing anything because I don't want to go in there biased. watchmen for example got a 43% rating on rotten tomatoes and I couldn't understand why. the majority of the top critics thought the movie was crappy . I do find that the one movie critic that I seem to agree with most of the time is roger ebert. I don't think I've found myself disagreeing with him yet so I might let myself read his review once in while.