There were so many people in Western New York who thought that they would never see this day.

All I can say is that form my perspective it's really due to how the place is run instead of the "recession." They ran out all of the people with brains, class and experience. In a way the whole process of what happened was a class warfare thing form the start

Was there validity in their points about a CEO getting paid 1.2 Million while people live in abject poverty? Sure you can't deny that fact at all. Now is having a guy who's only business experience is running a smoke shop empire with a leveraged operating advantage over any other competition outside of the sovereign tax free. Basically all I'm saying that I seriously doubt that he would have risen to the level of success he has had without the tax free element of his business plan. Anyway I did find the comments in this story pretty enlightening
The trouble is that with casino's they're extremely competitive businesses and the people that really have big money want to be pampered and treated right with respect. The employees at the Seneca Niagara Casino are pretty rude and cocky; Why I have absolutely no idea. You don't get that treatment over in Canada or on the Vegas Strip or even Wheeling Island. All I saw after Mickey Brown and the people that open the most sucessful casino on the east coast, Foxwoods in CT was the place go downhill. Just go to the the Thunderfalls buffet and pay for that overpriced slop.
From my perspective, it's not just the economy that's a downer on gambling, but other financial monitoring laws we have in place now. For example, the casino in the falls could never draw any Canadian high rollers for fear that bringing large sums of cash across the border would result in it's confiscation or at the very least it being registered and recorded.
All I can say is Joel Rose is somewhere smirking now. After all the Senecas were going to single handily save WNY with all the jobs that they would create, especially in that abandoned steel skeleton in the cobble stone district.
After giving up this

it was so worth to have everyone look at this
A recession really? Those geniuses. I wonder what tipped them off.