I wanted to write a thought provoking entry explaining the purpose and thought behind the suburbancrime blog, but the reason is pretty simple. Irritation.
I feel irritated when people tell me they love visiting the city, but, goodness…. they could never LIVE in the city. Or my co-workers who are convinced that I, as a city resident, have my house and car broken into routinely and that I have danger lurking for me around every corner. These individuals smugly believe that they and their children are safe from crime in their suburbs.
We can explore that assumption here. I’ll try to focus on Buffalo, but I’ll branch out to other suburban areas too. If you have any news on crime in the suburbs to share…please e-mail me!
Here’s a few interesting links to start with:
Boston man with intoxication levels three times the legal limit found slumped over in his vehicle:
Illegal immigrants working in Cheektowaga Mexican restaurant:
Drugs in Clarence
Union Leaders recently arrested for racketeering. The racketeering and bullying of these individuals harm the City of Buffalo and at least one of the twelve (probably more) lives in the suburbs of Buffalo. The article doesn't provide their home locations, but one of my coworkers in the suburbs is a neighbor to one of the individuals who was arrested.
Seems like when you drive so frequently you become careless about it. I like to avoid suburban highways. I like the convenience of not having to bring my car wherever I go. Now that it's summer I'm riding my bike more often.
Not only are there drunk drivers in the suburbs, it is also outrageously expensive to drive in the suburbs.