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Megan's Journal

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02/06/2008 18:22 #43213

Okay, so I don't know if anyone has seen the Simpsons where Homer finds the screaming worm and wants to kill it but it's endangered, so he has to care for it? Well, that's what Fern sounds like the past week or so, and I'm super proud of her for trying out her lungs but I feel like my head is going to implode. Oh, man she looks so proud of herself when she does it! Man babies are lucky they're cute, or there would be a lot more porch drop-offs at the orphanage...
megan - 02/07/08 14:59
shup (e:enknot).
enknot - 02/07/08 14:39
Gawd are babies all you talk about? Sheesh...
mrmike - 02/06/08 19:33
Wait till she talks
mrdeadlier - 02/06/08 18:37
  • ask
mrdeadlier - 02/06/08 18:37
You should asl Maya to pray for her. ;)

01/30/2008 13:53 #43094

Jesus lovin freak baby
Okay, so I signed up for this site ages ago (well (e:enknot) signed me up really) and for some reason I have never written a journal. And it's true, I'm not much for airing my personal issues out to dry, but I am mostly just reserved for a preliminary period. Watch out after that's over!
I felt very compelled to respond to the journals written regarding children and religion (I know, I'm one of the creepys who reads but doesn't contribute). Religion is so huge in my life, yet so very insignificant. I am fascinated with all types of religion, but never could commit to one. I try not to commit myself to any one absolute, any right answer. How limited that would leave me as a person. But I am always interested in new ways of finding strength and good, be it in myself or others.
For some reason, my 5 year old decided to pursue devout christianity a few months back. How this came to be is only speculation and really does not matter to me. What matters is her interest in knowledge. I do anything I can to support that, even if I don't agree with the information.
I do agree with the morals, however. I was raised methodist and was given the choice to continue my religion immediately after I was confirmed at 11. By then all the fantastical allure of religion had faded and I really didn't believe anymore. But I still decided to go to church with my mom, because I wanted to work in the daycare. I can't say today whether or not religion played a part in me having sound morals, but I don't think it could have hurt.
Religion gets a bad rap sometimes. I'm not saying that it is entirely undeserved- there is some messed up stuff that is undeniably wrong with every religion. But what kind of idiot takes ANYTHING for face value? Religion is supposed to inspire thought, not replace it.
And as far as the whole science and religion thing.... I totally misled Mya when I told her some people believe science, some God ("I pick God!"). My intentions with my children is to give it to them straight no matter how ugly (as much as is reasonable, they're both really little), and I wanted her to know of the classic dichotomy between the two. How fortunate it isn't so cut and dry anymore, but unless history is understood it is bound to get repeated. I unintentionally repeated that, but hey, I've got a few years to correct all that I hope.
One final note. Exposure is the path to good choices. Restriction leads to poor choices (come on, I know some of you had super strict parents then lost your mind in college. I know I did). My job as a parent is not to tell my children what to do or believe, but to make them understand what they should do and find what they truly believe. I know I won't always succeed at this, but I do hope I always strive for it.

jenks - 01/30/08 17:46
welcome meg. :)
sounds like you have the right attitude.
Now where are the PICTURES?!
metalpeter - 01/30/08 15:46
I do have to agree with you 100% about the fact that restriction leads to bad choices. If kids don't have some freedom they will either rebel in the very strong sneak out of windows and have sex for drugs and put it on the internet kind of thing or when they do get freedom they won't know how to handle it. I know some parents try to shelter there kids from the world and that is good up to a certain age (not sure what that age is and I'm sure that would be a good debate). But if kids don't learn about the world then once they are out in it they again won't be able to handle it.
janelle - 01/30/08 14:47
Thanks for sharing Megan. Your perspective is probably the most important one given so far on the situation seeing as it's your child!