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10/06/2007 12:05 #41518

Brickfish Contest

I think you can just click on that is a photography contest for $1000 scholarship that i DESPERATELY need =)

thanks for you support and i hope everyone is doing well!!

ladycroft - 10/06/07 15:09
perfect! (no, not on the cruise yet - i leave sunday)
ladycroft - 10/06/07 12:22
put up a user pic!

10/01/2007 22:00 #41442

the art fair this weekend was a bust-- i shouldn't be suprised but i is busy and i think i start work next week and not gonna lie its gonna suck'll be fine. besides that, things are going well. i am not one of interns which is cool and next weekend im going to alleghaney (sp?) mountain biking and to the octoberfest in ellicottville. thats all i got right now..hope everyone is doing well =) Sonrio*

ps. check in a couple days for updates on MINDWEB.US

09/19/2007 21:45 #41201

today was exciting
Category: photo
when it comes to art, i made a really cool pieces in both of the classes i had today...a large abstract of an old tea kettle and the beginning of what i think will be a fantastic photo montage. then i went to michaels and picked up a few mattes for the photo show im doing in a couple weeks and then i framed a print of mine from germany to put in the SVAO exhibition from the 22nd-15th in the Center for the Arts Atrium =)

super excited right now...would anybody like some postcards to hand out for the show at the lodge at the end of the month (

09/19/2007 00:37 #41189

Category: art/business
if you would like to see examples of my work go to that site and under artist Desirae Locke (thats me!) and you can see my photography...

Hope you enjoy!
also if anyone needs photographic work done, i'm here =)
james - 09/19/07 14:00
I quite liked the coble stone street shot. So much texture!

(e:Jim) runs a Buffalo group on Flickr. at

There are a bunch of really good, local artists on that particular group. We have monthly meet ups. If you want to get in touch with some fellow photographers in the are you should come.

09/17/2007 21:51 #41166

albright knox
so i need to visit the In/Beyond WNY gallery shows and the Knox is free on fridays, I am out of town this weekend, but would anybody want to go next week and check it all out?? i can get the list of places at school if anybody wants to see some art =)
james - 09/17/07 21:57
The Knox is a hidden treasure here in Buffalo. I look through my art history text books from my undergrad days and dozens of paintings from the modern period are at the Knox. I grew up outside of New York City and I spent a sizable chunk of my adolescence at the Metropolitan or the Guggenheim and I was drooling in the Knox at all the goodies they had.

Please enjoy it.
paul - 09/17/07 21:54
What shows are you going to? I already did the show at the Knox and Rockwell Hall during the opening.