Oh man, what a week. If you can't rely on the internet, who can you rely on? Don't answer that.
Between email not going out, email not coming in, and outgoing email bouncing back, I don't know what I've said to whom any more. Maybe I should forget about email and just stick to blogging, haha.
Speaking of alternate forms of communication, here's a blast from the past. I tried to send it to
(e:Paul) when the internet was having a Bermuda Triangle day. We had been chatting earlier when the conversation turned to -- what else -- cell phones and operating systems. So when I happened upon this email from days gone by while I was spot-checking whether the emails I had saved for whatever reason in Mac Mail made it safely into Thunderbird, it was funny to see it again in the context of our recent conversation. Besides, it's cute as hell.
P.S. *waves* Hi (e:Twisted) !!
(e:paul)- phone?, what phone? *innocently bats eye lashes, twirls hair*
I'm holding it for ransom and certain demands must be met:
3oz of gummie bears
1-2 bottle(s) cheap champagne (willing to share)
2 Nintendo Wii Golf Tournaments
6 Asian House Boys
1 Gallon of Milk
2 dozen home made chocolate chips cookies-chewy (i'll bake)
Show me the goods, then we'll talk ;)
(i'll bring the phone tomorrow, I just found it!)
Oh god, I loved that phone. I need to have it back again. Do you know where it is (e:theecarey), is it at the 24?