Oh man, what a week. If you can't rely on the internet, who can you rely on? Don't answer that.
Between email not going out, email not coming in, and outgoing email bouncing back, I don't know what I've said to whom any more. Maybe I should forget about email and just stick to blogging, haha.
Speaking of alternate forms of communication, here's a blast from the past. I tried to send it to
(e:Paul) when the internet was having a Bermuda Triangle day. We had been chatting earlier when the conversation turned to -- what else -- cell phones and operating systems. So when I happened upon this email from days gone by while I was spot-checking whether the emails I had saved for whatever reason in Mac Mail made it safely into Thunderbird, it was funny to see it again in the context of our recent conversation. Besides, it's cute as hell.
are you trying to call attention to homeland security?
Well I was way off I thought this was going to be a post about the U2 CD of that name. You can give your friends advice or your point of view and you can even try to help them, but basicly they still have to work out there own problems on their own.
always cut the yellow wire first