Pyrcedgrrl's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/02/2007 13:09 #37507
Ahh, Buffalo...12/27/2006 01:52 #32954
It's my ____ in a box!^^This one was posted on You Tube by NBC, so hopefully it will stay up and they won't delete their own content!! lol
This is the uncensored version, so beware!! ;)
southernyankee - 12/31/06 21:27
Darnit! I didn't get one of those presents under my tree! Maybe I should go look again...
Darnit! I didn't get one of those presents under my tree! Maybe I should go look again...
12/27/2006 01:42 #32953
The holiday spoils....now with pictures!
^^Pretty pic of my emaciated tree :)
Edit: Forgot to post my most favorite present!!!

^^From Steve. :D

^^Pengie salt and pepper shakers from my daughter

^^The Sims 2 Pets

^^Poker chip pinup chickies. Yum.

^^Steve and the Hanukkah gift card holder bear my sis got for him.

^^10 qt. Faberware stockpot (I actually asked for this)

^^Panini maker.. I love new kitchen stuff!

^^My camera wouldn't focus on it, but this bottle has a little fairy on top.

^^One of my gifts from (e:theecarey). A folk art kitty and birdhouse light. I <3 it!!

^Fire opal ring from my seeester

^^Mr. Orange in his new hideout
Hope you all had a great Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/20/2006 22:10 #32952
Best SNL skit ever!!!!May you all get one for Christmas....or...something.. lol
EDIT: damn YouTube and NBC to hell.
To view the uncensored clip, go to www.nbc.com--it is right at the top of the page. If they move it, search their videos for "SNL, in a box"
ANYWAY, I love it when Justin Timberlake is on SNL. He's one of the funnier guests they have.
EDIT: damn YouTube and NBC to hell.
To view the uncensored clip, go to www.nbc.com--it is right at the top of the page. If they move it, search their videos for "SNL, in a box"
ANYWAY, I love it when Justin Timberlake is on SNL. He's one of the funnier guests they have.
paul - 12/21/06 10:34
This is precisely why I hate youtube content on journals. Unlike all other forms of estrip journal media, the temporary nature of the youtube content makes this journal entry so meaningless to future viewers, argh.
This is precisely why I hate youtube content on journals. Unlike all other forms of estrip journal media, the temporary nature of the youtube content makes this journal entry so meaningless to future viewers, argh.
terry - 12/21/06 10:01
Man, I missed it...damn you NBC!!!
"This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner NBC Universal because its content was used without permission"
Man, I missed it...damn you NBC!!!
"This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner NBC Universal because its content was used without permission"
theecarey - 12/20/06 23:21
omg, what was that? that was fantastic! I am still laughing..
omg, what was that? that was fantastic! I am still laughing..
mk - 12/20/06 22:26
I agree, I think Justin Timberlake is consistently one of the funniest guests they have. I like the other guy in that video too, Andy whatever. That is a hilarious skit. Thanks for sharing it!
I agree, I think Justin Timberlake is consistently one of the funniest guests they have. I like the other guy in that video too, Andy whatever. That is a hilarious skit. Thanks for sharing it!
chico - 12/20/06 22:25
I'm not much of a Justin Timberlake fan but that skit is falling-down-laughing funny. Thanks for posting it!
I'm not much of a Justin Timberlake fan but that skit is falling-down-laughing funny. Thanks for posting it!
12/03/2006 13:22 #32951
Chiristmas, Christmas...time is near....How I love my 4-day weekends! I can be super-busy Saturday and Sunday and still feel like I have a weekend. :)
Thursday Hailey and I went on a crazy Christmas shopping expedition. (I was actually looking for Guitar Hero 1 and 2 for my boyfriend, and ended up shopping for everyone else!) We also made a stop to visit Martha's section @ K-Mart and pick up all our tree trimmings. (we fought over colors b/c I wanted purple and silver and she wanted the blue and silver. She won--mostly because there were very few purple ornaments left. *pouts*)
After running to a few stores in that horrible Friday night weather, I went on a mad cookie spree. I only got through Oatmeal and some double-chocolate w/ Christmas Kissables ones before calling it a night, but it was a LOT of cookies!!
Yesterday my ex-step-daughter came over and we decorated the Christmas tree. (Okay, I set it up and she and my daughter Hailey did all the fun stuff!) They did a great job, as you can see here:

And one of them from last year...damn, kids grow so fast!

^^Little red-eyed demon kids at that!! :)
Then my parents came over for pizza and to hang out w/ the kiddos for a bit (which was just surreal in itself, as I don't believe I've ever actually had my parents over for a real visit before).
Today, I am making some yummy Italian wedding soup (which I have never actually tried before, so wish me luck!) and just hanging around the house. I think more cookies may be in order later, too. :D
Wondering why I feel compelled to cook and bake when it gets cold out. Is it an Italian thing or an old age thing? lol
Thursday Hailey and I went on a crazy Christmas shopping expedition. (I was actually looking for Guitar Hero 1 and 2 for my boyfriend, and ended up shopping for everyone else!) We also made a stop to visit Martha's section @ K-Mart and pick up all our tree trimmings. (we fought over colors b/c I wanted purple and silver and she wanted the blue and silver. She won--mostly because there were very few purple ornaments left. *pouts*)
After running to a few stores in that horrible Friday night weather, I went on a mad cookie spree. I only got through Oatmeal and some double-chocolate w/ Christmas Kissables ones before calling it a night, but it was a LOT of cookies!!
Yesterday my ex-step-daughter came over and we decorated the Christmas tree. (Okay, I set it up and she and my daughter Hailey did all the fun stuff!) They did a great job, as you can see here:

And one of them from last year...damn, kids grow so fast!

^^Little red-eyed demon kids at that!! :)
Then my parents came over for pizza and to hang out w/ the kiddos for a bit (which was just surreal in itself, as I don't believe I've ever actually had my parents over for a real visit before).
Today, I am making some yummy Italian wedding soup (which I have never actually tried before, so wish me luck!) and just hanging around the house. I think more cookies may be in order later, too. :D
Wondering why I feel compelled to cook and bake when it gets cold out. Is it an Italian thing or an old age thing? lol
theecarey - 12/03/06 17:45
wow your parents were over??? weird.. like both of them.,. at the same time?? what is going on with the Nancmeister? this is twice in the same decade!
as for you and cooking.. you always do that, you crazy italian. You are your mothers daughter, after all...
bring me cookies. now.
i said NOW!
wow your parents were over??? weird.. like both of them.,. at the same time?? what is going on with the Nancmeister? this is twice in the same decade!
as for you and cooking.. you always do that, you crazy italian. You are your mothers daughter, after all...
bring me cookies. now.
i said NOW!
Jenks, The pup is fine. I guess he didn't eat the meatball, he carried it into the house and the owners saw the green rat poison pellets in it. The lady made 7 and placed them along her side of the fence (that the dog could apparently get to). The police found the rest of the meatballs, the pan, raw meat and a receipt for rat poison in the neighbor's garbage can.
The vet had the owners make the dog take peroxide (turkey baster) so he would throw up and now he's on preventative medicine and is having more bloodwork done next week.
Poor dog. He was abused and they adopted him from the SPCA. He's really cute...a little shepard mix w/ one floppy ear. :)
The news story i saw last night said the dog survived, (e:jenks)
yeah I wish they said if the dog survived or not. And i liked the story in the "other headlines" box- 8 year old charged with sexual assault of 6 year old.
As my brother said "isn't that just cunning."
I saw that story on the news last night and it made me feel a little ill. And cry a little. I'm a softie when it comes to animals. Poor dog. Thank goodness he is ok. We have neighbors with barky dogs, too, and it can be annoying. But it isn't something someone has to die over!