What could be better than waking up in San Francisco, rolling out of bed, and hauling my ass down to Macworld for the third day in a row? Feel the love! Ok, the only thing better would be to take an extra long (1/2 day) "lunch" and do Macworld with (e:j3sse) on company time. But someone had to move to Buffalo. Oh, and we got laid off. D'oh!
I haven't bought a darn thing yet. I almost bought some accessories for my intended iPod, but I can't bring myself to buy gifts for something I don't own yet. Call me superstitious.
I think I have to buy a new Mac instead. But which one?
p.s. - This PC is killing me. If someone were ready to commit suicide and a mere $1,699 (or $1,999?) item would make their life worth living again - that would be a good investment, right?
Twisted's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/13/2006 21:05 #36626
AfterglowCategory: mac love
01/11/2006 20:18 #36625
greetings from macworld!As seen at Macworld SF!

paul - 01/11/06 20:49
Cool cell phone pic of a cell phone pic. It's like living in a mobile mirror trick world.
Cool cell phone pic of a cell phone pic. It's like living in a mobile mirror trick world.
01/11/2006 00:13 #36624
i am so fucked part 201/10/2006 11:59 #36623
MineMineMineCategory: computers
My first home computer [inlink]paul,4124[/inlink] was the Mac
LC III. I worked on 100s of computers long before I ever imagined buying one. At Bitstream I worked on all kinds of Macs and PCs to test their digital
fonts in different configurations. That was fun. When I was offered a job at PC Week, I asked if there was any chance there'd ever be a Mac on my desk if I worked at PC Week. The director of publishing was good to his word - although it took three years. I couldn't wait that long, so I bought one for myself in the early '90s and promptly named the hard drive "MineMineMine." I got hell for that from Mark when he moved in.
My youngest brother (exactly one year younger than (e:Paul)) was the only kid still living at home when my parents finally splurged on an IBM PC Junior circa 1985. Definitely should have bought a Mac. It was so painful watching my Dad trying to format church bulletins and newsletters and member directories on that thing I eventually "donated" my LC III to his church - pre-loaded with QuarkXpress and Filemaker Pro. That probably didn't look so good when he eventually left that church after 14 years. Oops. Stupid software registration splash pages!
I could go on and on about computer hand-me-downs, but I have to get to Macworld! I'm finally going to buy myself an iPod [inlink]twisted,126[/inlink] this year. I asked for and got two $30 (the family limit) gift certificates to the Apple store for Christmas. Hee haw - it's about time.

My youngest brother (exactly one year younger than (e:Paul)) was the only kid still living at home when my parents finally splurged on an IBM PC Junior circa 1985. Definitely should have bought a Mac. It was so painful watching my Dad trying to format church bulletins and newsletters and member directories on that thing I eventually "donated" my LC III to his church - pre-loaded with QuarkXpress and Filemaker Pro. That probably didn't look so good when he eventually left that church after 14 years. Oops. Stupid software registration splash pages!
I could go on and on about computer hand-me-downs, but I have to get to Macworld! I'm finally going to buy myself an iPod [inlink]twisted,126[/inlink] this year. I asked for and got two $30 (the family limit) gift certificates to the Apple store for Christmas. Hee haw - it's about time.
12/26/2005 11:17 #36622
Being grown up is so overrated"Aunt Lisa, you're not really a grown-up, right?"
"Um, it doesn't seem like it."
"Good. Then you can be the technical wizard on our team to spy on the grown-ups to see what they really do."
Sounds like more fun than anything else I had lined up this week.
One other classic family moment: After Dad's traditional reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, he announced he and Jean had gotten all the grandkids a special group gift this year: A goat. They didn't seem as surprised as I would have been at that age.
"Um, it doesn't seem like it."
"Good. Then you can be the technical wizard on our team to spy on the grown-ups to see what they really do."
Sounds like more fun than anything else I had lined up this week.
One other classic family moment: After Dad's traditional reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, he announced he and Jean had gotten all the grandkids a special group gift this year: A goat. They didn't seem as surprised as I would have been at that age.
definitely. Go mac and don't look back.
I have a Mac and I love it.
buy a new mac one and forgot your laptop worries