- iPowerweb (alleged) technical supportI will suggest you to please contact to your concern webmaster inorder to change the title of your blogger.Since now this issue is related to the scripting one.We do not provide technical support on the scripting issue.So please contact to your webmaster regarding to this issue.Thanks.
They actually do respond fairly quickly. Too bad half the time it sounds like a tech support madlib.
Unrelated, except for the annoyance factor: somebody should invent a way to respond to unwelcome FAX calls made to your non-FAX phone number. Couldn't somebody just post the audio handshake signal for whatever FAX protocol could take these suckers down and out for an hour or two? I am so sick of getting FAX calls to my home phone number. I am on the do not call list and have filed countless complaints. It was working so well for a while too.
FAX Follow-up:
Just registered with Junkfax.org

I started getting junk faxes at my home phone number which is on the do not call list. I finally hooked a fax machine to my home line and I've collected 10 junk faxes since March 7th, the most recent one coming in at 4:56AM this morning. I have told them this number is on the do not call list and asked to be permanently taken off their fax list, and filed a do not call complaint each time. The worst offender is 866-807-8303 who I asked to remove me on 3/23, again on 3/29, 3/31 and 4/6. I want to nail that guy.
I feel empowered already. Thanks (e:Ajay).