Since my last "real" contract job with PeopleSoft got nixed [inlink]twisted,107[/inlink] the day before I was supposed to start (because Oracle bought them), I didn't want to jinx my chances this time by saying something too soon. But I officially started a one month contract at Oracle today. Although with all the paperwork they made me fill out I'm feeling slightly paranoid about it. Apparently they verify all your previous places of employment and job titles, plus do a credit check to verify your past addresses (all for a one month contract, mind you). And I'd better wait until this contract is over to develop my FAX-Spam annihilator, since I had to sign something saying Oracle might have the legal rights to any Innovations (capitalization theirs) I make while I'm working for them. So no Innovations from me! Sorry!
On the bright side, I already got a $10/hour raise!
Here are some (cell phone) pictures of the Oracle campus. It looks like a cross between the Emerald City and something out of a sci-fi flick. And I thought PeopleSoft [inlink]twisted,93[/inlink] was swanky!
AND they have a bunch of great cafes onsite

. We chose Cafe 600 for lunch today. It was crawling with engineers. Naturally I begged to be allowed to work onsite, but contractors are supposed to work from home so no dice. In the past I would have preferred that anyway, but now I already spend way too much time alone in front of my computer at home. Sigh.

The line at the Indian Station at Cafe 600

Well worth the short wait. I hope I'm not violating the non-disclosure agreement I signed by revealing the cafe's daily special.