Something weird is happening with my phones. Just thought it was a random fluke last night when I hit some key combination that locked my cell phone. Which was a pain because I had no clue what the unlock code was (hint: try 9999 or the last four digits of your phone number if it ever happens to you). Anyway, didn't think much of it until a cop showed up at my door this morning. Asks me how I'm doing. I say fine. He says, you called 911? I say, noooo...(!) Turns out my landline called 911 w/o me. That's the number they traced it to.
That's weird, right?
The good news is I figured out how to turn the shutter sound off on my cell phone camera. Now I don't have to pretend to sneeze when I take a stealth close-up.
Last post today, I swear. Guess I had some pent-up journaling after my four-day hiatus.
Twisted's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/23/2004 18:56 #36454
Phone exorcist11/23/2004 18:34 #36453
Simultaneous RavesCategory: dancing
Phone pix reminded me - I forgot to tell you about my Rave experience last Saturday. I was in this all-day class 10am-midnight Thurs-Sun (I don't want to talk about it), and ended up getting invited to a Rave party by this guy in the class.Totally out of the blue. Sensing some weird [inlink]terry,361[/inlink]karma, naturally I said yes.
Planet Sol

Fire hoola-hooping

Painting as performance art

The scene

Space lounge
I got in for free since my newfound Rave buddy was scheduled to start manning the door. That also meant I was cruising solo again. It was fun, but I only stayed for an hour and a half. I'm no spring chicken you know.
Planet Sol

Fire hoola-hooping

Painting as performance art

The scene

Space lounge
I got in for free since my newfound Rave buddy was scheduled to start manning the door. That also meant I was cruising solo again. It was fun, but I only stayed for an hour and a half. I'm no spring chicken you know.
11/23/2004 18:17 #36452
Tchotchkes11/23/2004 17:23 #36451
Needle 2 VinylCategory: music
The right mix tape [inlink]drchlorine,59[/inlink] could surely drill a link to my reclusive heart. For what that's worth. ;-)
I've been a mix-tape giver and receiver since way back when the needle met the vinyl. I wasn't as prolific as I should have been, considering the profound impact the medium has had on my life. But I sure put a lot into the ones I made, and played the hell out of the ones I received. I have to digitize those for posterity before they wear out.
Probably the biggest mix tape project I ever did was for my college roommate's wedding reception. We lived together, went to classes together (both journalism majors), and worked the 4pm-1am shift at a typesetting shop together. Oh yeah, we also both worked on the school newspaper five days a week. No wonder I didn't graduate.
She asked me to handle the music for her wedding reception in Rhode Island, including schlepping my stereo and speakers down there and wiring the place up. I was a nervous wreck. It all went great, except her twin brother thought it would be funny to play a practical joke on her 10 minutes before she was scheduled to walk down the aisle. He told her I called to say I got a flat tire and wouldn't be able to make it. Brothers suck. Luckily I walked through the door of the church not long after that.
Come to think of it, my copy of tape 1 from that series got stolen along with my car stereo. Cripes - take the stereo already, but have the decency to eject the tape first!
One of the advantages of working the night shift at that type house was being able to print out fancy labels for my tapes. Little did they know that's why I wormed my way into being the night systems manager - so I could run off my own type. You guys have no idea what I'm talking about. This was an era before PCs and personal printers. (gasp!) Ok, I'm scaring the kiddies now. Sorry.
I've been a mix-tape giver and receiver since way back when the needle met the vinyl. I wasn't as prolific as I should have been, considering the profound impact the medium has had on my life. But I sure put a lot into the ones I made, and played the hell out of the ones I received. I have to digitize those for posterity before they wear out.
Probably the biggest mix tape project I ever did was for my college roommate's wedding reception. We lived together, went to classes together (both journalism majors), and worked the 4pm-1am shift at a typesetting shop together. Oh yeah, we also both worked on the school newspaper five days a week. No wonder I didn't graduate.
She asked me to handle the music for her wedding reception in Rhode Island, including schlepping my stereo and speakers down there and wiring the place up. I was a nervous wreck. It all went great, except her twin brother thought it would be funny to play a practical joke on her 10 minutes before she was scheduled to walk down the aisle. He told her I called to say I got a flat tire and wouldn't be able to make it. Brothers suck. Luckily I walked through the door of the church not long after that.
Come to think of it, my copy of tape 1 from that series got stolen along with my car stereo. Cripes - take the stereo already, but have the decency to eject the tape first!
One of the advantages of working the night shift at that type house was being able to print out fancy labels for my tapes. Little did they know that's why I wormed my way into being the night systems manager - so I could run off my own type. You guys have no idea what I'm talking about. This was an era before PCs and personal printers. (gasp!) Ok, I'm scaring the kiddies now. Sorry.
11/23/2004 13:01 #36450
Peep RallyCategory: peeptalk
I know - a fat lot of help I am chiming in from the sunshine state (or is that Florida?), but just the thought of estrip going away makes me abandon all hope for my world. Maybe there's some perverse reason we let ourselves sink to the depths of despair before we'll attempt to turn it around. If so, I hope we're there (e:peeps) - I don't want to go much deeper than this.
I'm totally inspired by (e:DrChlorine) and (e:Ajay) 's posts. Seems like one recurring theme is loneliness, especially this time of year (I'm with you on that one). Again in the fat-lotta-help-I-am category, maybe think about making some peep2peep face2face encounters happen. Throw a party, and don't forget to invite the (e:peeps2B) . Or set up a coffee drop-in date at a local hang-out. Put it on the (e:EventCalendar) and make sure you've got those estrip flyers with you to pass out.
Everybody now -
I'm totally inspired by (e:DrChlorine) and (e:Ajay) 's posts. Seems like one recurring theme is loneliness, especially this time of year (I'm with you on that one). Again in the fat-lotta-help-I-am category, maybe think about making some peep2peep face2face encounters happen. Throw a party, and don't forget to invite the (e:peeps2B) . Or set up a coffee drop-in date at a local hang-out. Put it on the (e:EventCalendar) and make sure you've got those estrip flyers with you to pass out.
Everybody now -
"Don't you know that it's time to get on board...and let this train keep on riding, riding on through?"