Ride your bike and get $5 off admission
After-party Sat night includes:
Full bar, Organic Munchies
Free Bio-diesel shuttle service available from San Francisco Concourse
We are in need of:
- Office help with phones all next week
- Phone banking all day on Wednesday, Nov. 3
- Help Flyering at March on Wednesday, Nov. 3
- Help tabling at events over the next week.
- Someone with a truck to help with pick-ups & drop-offs next week
**Couches!! If you have a couch and you feel like lending it to the Green
Festival for the weekend, we would love you, and give you some complementary
passes in exchange.
- Artists? Help with painting/ decorations sometime over the next week.
- Volunteers to help prepare space for Woody Harrelson's "Further" bus at
Cell Space
- We can also use extra help with Festival set-up on Thursday and Friday.