11/03/2005 15:33 #36277
Sally AnthonyCategory: music
Soooo.....Sally Anthony is an amazing singer/songwriter! mwahaha...I got her "Vent" cd for free in the mail one hot and lonely summer day...And I took a listen, and fell in love with the sound....It's a lot different from the stuff I usually listen to, though. It's like...I don't know..Weird chick rock? lol...She's got lots of different influences. And it makes her sound so unique.
But anyways, if anyone reads this, check out her site at
Or find her at MySpace. Cuz she's such a sweetheart :)
And on to the next subject.... Field Trip Tomorrow!! Woot! Field Trips were totally cut out of the Orchard Park school district budget for a few long years...and now they are back! And since I'm so awesome and smart and taking French 4 Honors, I got the opportunity to go on a field trip to Olde Fort Niagara! Yes!! It's like, my favorite place to go!! My family actually just went there a few weeks ago, for the firest time in years...I convinced them to take me, haha. And I had the time of my life! And now, I'm going again! I can't wait! And what's even better, I get to speak French ALL day! mwahaha...and of course, I miss a whole day of school!
I can't wait...
A Bientot!
11/02/2005 16:30 #36276
another day...Category: potpourri
School kinda sucked...it wasn't really that bad tho..just one of those days where you're sleepy, but you aren't dying to get out of class... Only aweful thing was that I had some work to make up, cuz I was sick yesterday. I got to stay home. Which was very fun, actually. I went a wee bit on the net, I took a really nice long shower, I backcombed my dreadies cuz they were starting to loosen *gahhhhhh* And then I played my bass and practiced my band's new song. Since I'm the one who's gonna be stuck singing it. But lol, that's fine with me.
I have to make up a Psychology test tomorrow after school. which will kinda suck, since I hate staying after on thursdays, cuz that's when I have drum lessons...But Ray isn't here this week anyways, so it's ok. If I feel like staying home, I can. But I love going and sitting at Kepplers. lol, I socialize with everyone! I'm such a non-talkative person at school...but then you get me to music lessons, and I'm buddies avec everyone....
But anyways.. Rina was just over for a little while. She stayed after and such. And then she came over and hung out. We've got band practice on friday!! woot! I'm excited. Extremely excited. We haven't had a band practice in a few weeks! Heather and I wrote up a list of things to discuss with Adam and Rina about the band. Like, when we meet and stuff. We want to get in at least one practice a week...and if we can't have one during one week, we'll have two the next week or something... Cuz we seriously need to get working. We've gotta get some more new songs down, too. Cuz besides the one I'm singing, we don't have any more. Cuz Heather wants to reform Boy in Band, and rewrite the guitar and stuff.....
I can't wait for Friday! woot! mwahaha
10/28/2005 18:03 #36275
Woot!!!!!!!Category: alex band
Yes!!!!! So, I finally got my surprise from AlexMaxBand.com!!!! Woot!! It's the site's 1 year birthday....and the wonderful woman who runs it is friends with Alex Band (The Calling) and he sent her a wonderful little song that he wrote for Doll Graveyard, one of his father's cute little horror movies! tehehe...I freaking love it!!!!!!! I've been listening to it for hours now... can't ever get sick of it! So..if anyone happens to strole upon this journal, go to

and listen to the song!!!!!!
On another note...it's the weekend!!!!!!! And Halloween is on Monday!! And I have to teach religion tomorrow...but that's fine. Mwahaha, I can't wait to watch all those stupid bad "horror" movies on tv this weekend!! I love them...I wonder if any of Alex's dad's movies will be on? One can always hope...
"100 years of waiting, 36 thousand days....." What a great song...
Hmm...what else to say...
Louis, our French exchange student, left today. It's really sad. He was very nice! And very cute, lol...and he speaks french!! lol.. dreamy....
10/23/2005 14:17 #36274
Homecoming Last NightCategory: homecoming
Soo...Homecoming was last night. It was fun. I look my little cousin Robin. It was funner than last year, cuz the dj actually played some good stuff...Like Bon Jovi...and some other cool rock songs. Last year, all they played was rap, and it was annoying...I wore Heather's pretty pink dress from last year. And she wore an old Easter dress...It rocks being a twin! We get to share dresses, lol.. Maybe I'll post pictures of me in my dress. Oh my, Mommy was giving me a ton of shit before we left about my hair. Cuz it's all knotty, and in the dreading process...and we kept saying "brush it!" But i couldn't anyways. Cuz it's too knotted.
We went to Mighty Taco afterwards, which was fun. My feet kill from those freaking aweful shoes.
I just cut up my old camo pants. I got them from the Army Navy Store wayyyy back when... and they are bagging and big and wonderful! But they are too ripped to wear much. So I told Daddy to take me to the store sometime whenever he feels like it, so i can buy a new pair. And I made a skirt out of my old pair..And it looks sweet!! mwahaha...I usually hate wearing skirts..but when they look cool, then I wear 'em.
School tomorrow, bleh! Rina came over on Friday and we were supposed to have a band practice. But her mother had to get her just a little after she got here, so we didn't even get to practice...which kinda sucked. But she's coming over tomorrow cuz we've got girl scouts and she needs a ride. So she gets to spend all day with me, haha.
And speaking of band practice, I've gotta go practice singing Conformist Nation..
10/19/2005 16:42 #36273
school sucks...Category: school
i had to go to school....and I probably should not be complaining, lol, cuz there are so many people out there that have it a lot worse than me....but I feel like complaining about how awful school is.
It's boring, and i have to do homework, and i'm stuck with the worst teachers on the planet...Ok. Maybe they aren't the worst..but they are pretty bad, lol..
So anyways, I got to go home with Lindsey yesterday! woot! It was great fun. I got to watch Chasing Liberty. Such a cute movie.....
Homecoming is on Saturday night. My little cousin Robin is coming with me and Heather. So I'm really excited. She's one of my bestest pals... I feel bad for her, cuz she's a cheerleader (lol, need i say more?) and she was really really upset cuz her homecoming was a complete disaster. So, I'm taking her avec moi so that she has a fun time! And then we're probably going out to Mighty Taco afterwards, lol....
Ooo, I can't sleep in very late on Saturday. I've gotta teach relgion! lol, yes, that's right! I'm a Relgious Ed. teacher! I can't believe it myself...Actually, Tory kept begging me and Heather to teach with her. So we were like, yeah, sure, whatever.. And then we had this meeting with the woman in charge...and she hates us, lol. Me and Heather are awful at Religion. We get in trouble, we put bullcrap answers on tests..it's funny. But we somehow suckered the poor woman into thinking that we were trying to find God... I'm still kinda upset that we had to lie, but we would never have been able to teach otherwise. And we're good teachers. We tell them Jesus loves them just like we're sposed to...we teach them their prayers.... Only ucky thing is getting up early. And, we have an autistic girl in our class, so it's kind of hard to keep her in line...
But whatever...I'm starving, I've gotta find some food.
I used to teach religion at St. Pauls with (e:iriesarah). We got the kiddies to listen by promising them candy when they got the answers right. It seemed to work.