"I'm on the ground
I'm on the ground and bleeding
You shot me down
You shot me down and now you're gonna pay
Yeah, now you're gonna pay
F*** You!"
...and that's all I've got. Maybe I should write more to it....na..don't feel like it. I'm practically falling asleep as I write! I realized these past few months that I'm really a morning person...I canNOT stand getting up early, but once I'm up, I've got too much energy....and when I try to stay up late, I'm just dead! I swear, it was like 7 PM today, and I was falling over half asleep...it's insane.. Of course, it could just be school....cuz we all know what that can do to a person..
Wow, there are so many little icons up there for different things I can do to customize my blog, but I have no idea how to use them, or what they're for...maybe I should take a day and learn, lol. maybe it would do me some good...
I can't feel my right hand. and it's really weird...it's really cold, but my left hand is nice and toasty warm, and I don't know why...they are both like, together or whatever....doing the same thing...typing....
I haven't been able to drink coffee these past few weeks without getting really sick feeling...like, it gets my heart rate up. It never used to do it. Maybe I just drink it at the wrong time or something. I love coffee, so I drink it like an hour or two before bed sometimes, but then I can't sleep cuz my heart is like, going crazy, lol...it's insane. Then last night, I went to bed and hadn't had any coffee all day, and I just feel right to sleep....insane indeed...
I've got a song by Anti-Flag stuck in my head....
"F*** the flag and F*** you!
F*** the flag and F*** you!"
and blah blah blah....it's one insanely great song.
I watched their Death of a Nation dvd last night. It was great fun. I actually wanted to write some new songs with Heather. But she wanted to watch tv. So I grabbed my dad's laptop and the dvd and watched it on my bed.. the entire thing: all the songs, all the special features...took quite a while too. But it was well worth it. Those guys rock.
I need some good chick punk/rock bands to listen to...I've got plenty of guy bands....but I've gotta support the girls, lol..
The Juliet Dagger freaking rock:

They are insanely good. And they are the sweetest people too. I speak with Erin and Josh quite a bit.. Oh, look at that...just went to the site cuz I haven't been there in ages. They are doing a show on Nov. 18th at Nietzsches....of course, it's 18+, so I can't go for two more years...It's at 9PM. So if you're over 18, go see them and tell me how it goes...
Oh yeah...Shira Girl is quite awesome too....I forget the website for that..haven't gone there much. I saw them at Warped Tour. Pretty good. Very different.
Sooooo....I'm running out of things to write...my fingers are becoming slurred, lol...instead of my speech, since I'm not talking... Maybe I should go to BED! I should....But I don't feel like it.
Oooooo, I'm going to the PanCake House tomorrow morning! I can't wait...I haven't been there in ages, and I want some raspberry pancakes! mmmm....
Oh shit..that also reminds me..I've gotta write up a Psychology report for Tuesday...3 to 4 pages long...which really should be nothing, since I always write huge long things....cept this is a school report, not a creative writing piece, or whatever....I freaking hate reports...Oo, and I also have to find someone to print for me, since the printer is still fried....and I still have no freaking idea how it fried...it wasn't on in a lightening storm or anything... Daddy has to get it fixed..or buy a new one...whatever he feels like doing I guess...Sucks though, cuz it's gonna cost a ton of money that we don't have.. But once I get a job I can help pay for things like that.
Good Night.
Bon Soir.
A Bientot.
Tu es dans mes reves.....
Hopefully I will be going to the Juliet Dagger show, if I do it will be my first time at Nietches (or however it is spelled). I can't say I'm and Anti Flag fan since I don't know there music. But a few years ago they where one a bunch of bands I saw at warped tour, they where very good live and I enjoyed them.