08/17/2004 12:33 #36164
Just in caseyou needed a reminder about how funny will ferril is
07/29/2004 23:21 #36163
hello? idiots...(ahem john kerry)freedom and equality are not the same thing, they are opposites goddamnit. and it is obvious that the person that uses these two words as if we can have both has no idea what the meaning of either is. to be free is to be unequal. to be free is to be unsafe. to be equal is to be not free. choose which fucking one you want.
07/29/2004 22:30 #36162
we allare having such a great time at the john kerry love fest that is the DNC and during our festivities, do we just choose to forget that he voted for the patriot act? or do we not care because he is running against bush?
07/27/2004 00:26 #36161
Congratulationsajay...I am happy for you
07/17/2004 18:53 #36160
Sorry,thank you ajay, i did forget to mention that the charges have been dropped. that is what made me write about it today actually. i found out originally from a message board maidencateyes, people were discussing it with appropriate rage