affraid of corporations, we are the boss of them, not the other way around. trying to avoid corporations in today's world is like trying to live without clothes, sure you could do it, but what fun would that be? especially in the cold of buffalo. instead we just need to pull together and not feel apathy or fear toward them. don't be affraid to call them. they will make you talk to a computer, but screw that, DONT, always wait for a representative. if you don't like what they don't have to say, hang up and boycott their ass. **tell them you will boycott them before you hang up**
don't like the interest rate on your credit card? call them and tell them to lower it, and if they don't, tell them to cancel your card and pay of your balance if you can.
bank charging you overdraft fees? tell them not to do that, that you think its dirty and sneaky. 99% of the time those slimy bank execs are scared enough of losing your business that they will almost pee their pants. even if you don't have a lot of money, a closed account never reflects good and that = pants peeing time. that goes for late fees on credit cards too.
assert yourself to somewhat respectful corporations (they are out there), boycott evil shitty ones (ahem coke, pepsi, warren buffet & bershire hathaway) and life will go just a little bit easier
Thesimeon's Journal
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07/13/2004 21:21 #36158
We needn't be07/13/2004 13:37 #36157
It has been so longsince i have had to do summer reading. Its unfair because summer is my time to ready MY books, the ones i don't have the time to get into during the school year. It seems bewteen everything i have to do when school is in session, I don't have time for leisure books, even though it would seem like i have the time. I have lots to read, so perhaps i better get on it. Because they are not f'ing around here at ye ole u of b. they are giving an exam on the first day.
07/03/2004 01:43 #36156
I feel badfor people who think that voting kerry in office will change anything. The same underhanded, sneaky, under-the-table, wink-wink, multi-million, multi-billion, sand bagging, back stabbing, poor stomping deals will happen in secret rooms behind closed doors. a no vote from a registered voter is just the same as a vote for a candidate. it is a vote of no confidence. i have no confidence in our system. i am young, and angry and if i don't see denis kucinich on that ballot that i will write in the name of my friends dad and vote for him.
ps. paul, if your reading this, i am using safari as my browser and the 'random blog' button covers up the drop down menu of names. :(
ps. paul, if your reading this, i am using safari as my browser and the 'random blog' button covers up the drop down menu of names. :(
06/24/2004 22:23 #36155
whoshtis raining on now on this, the eve of my departure. just in from a tennis match and quite tired. cool and breezy it was a moment ago, a perfect cap to a perfect day. i am tired and have no deisre to remain awake packing for any length of time.
on a serious note, why is it that it is appropriate for movies with simulated violence recieve a "pg-13" from the MPAA while michael moores movie, which has images of real, serious violence recieves an "r"? such a double standard.
i don't like michael moore. there is somthing about him and the way he gets things done. it is my personal opinion that he lies in his movies. however, i do fully agree with where he is trying to take his cause but it really does put me off when i sense that he is being a bit too 'hollywood'. eh
on a serious note, why is it that it is appropriate for movies with simulated violence recieve a "pg-13" from the MPAA while michael moores movie, which has images of real, serious violence recieves an "r"? such a double standard.
i don't like michael moore. there is somthing about him and the way he gets things done. it is my personal opinion that he lies in his movies. however, i do fully agree with where he is trying to take his cause but it really does put me off when i sense that he is being a bit too 'hollywood'. eh
06/15/2004 10:35 #36154
taxi serviceRobin, i will happily give you and andy a ride to the airport. i love your journal so i think that deserves at least a ride. I like giving rides to people. you are probably scared that i am a murderer or something because you don't know me, but i am not, trust me. you should just e-mail me or get in touch with paul terry or matt who can get in touch with lilho who would be able to get in touch with me.