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05/14/2004 21:54 #36143

I heart curry.


PS. Men, probably not a good idea for you to use tampons either.

05/04/2004 16:23 #36142

Research studies have shown that at 1 day old, infant girls stare at human faces longer than mechanical objects while the opposite is true for boys the same age.


05/02/2004 12:37 #36141

It really pisses me off...
that Bush thinks he can hold these dinners and fundraisers and dress in a penguin suit and tell these self-deprecating jokes and put that stupid smirk on his face as though he is being cute or something. How dare he make jokes about his abominable behavior as of late..."Blah blah blah Dick (Veep) and I decided that we are going to hold joint press conferences from now on" ...trying to make a joke about that little bother in his day that we call a 9/11 commision, not that the whole comission isn't a joke. Oh, frusteration...

the simeon

04/28/2004 10:47 #36140

Oh! the humanity
I am starting to have dreams about getting my letter in the mail. Last night was terrible because it seemed so real. I am starting to get frusterated with those boneheads over at UB, why can't they hurry up? Ah well, what can i do but make sauce today, yes today is spaghetti day and that should distract me for a bit.


04/26/2004 13:01 #36139

more dreams
i went and spent 1700 dollars on a lottery ticket. but, as the employee was ringing me up, i changed my mind because i figured out that i really didn't want to spend all that money on a lottery ticket. I think i was at a supermarket, but it was a small one, not as nice as the best supermarket in the world, it was quaint and old fashioned. then somehow, i was in a classroom and i had to take the sat's, but i had been thrown into the room, and the booklet was really confusing and it said that the average score is 1485 which i know it isn't because that is really high. i couldn't figure out which section to take so i kept calling collin quin (who was proctoring the exam, of course) but he refused to come over, probably because a few minutes later, he started hosting snl, which was going on apparently, while we were taking the sat's, which was a classroom that turned into the set of snl. I think i also dreamt is was snowing. I can't be sure.

No letter yet. This is getting out of hand

the simeon