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Thesimeon's Journal

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04/15/2004 00:01 #36136

ca chunk
Go to, there is a link in the *links* section. He makes me giggle and my friend will be related to him soon. Quite the brush with fame.

Why don't computers behave more? You would think, that since I still have the ability to smash is in to bits and pieces that it would go out of its way to please me, but it doesn't. One might assume (and this is quite the assumption) that since they are smart enough to do complex mathematics and turn on lights in your house over the internet, it would have at least a teeny, tiny sense of self preservation, which would lead it to NOT want to be smashed into pieces. But it does not seem to care either way.

Actually come to think about it, computers having a sense of self preservation would be really bad. But moreover, it would require some sort of AI. But even still moreover, it would require self-awareness, and is that not what some people would consider separates us humans from everything else?

Either way, sometimes you just want to beat your computing machine into pieces.

04/13/2004 00:13 #36135

what i did monday night

04/12/2004 02:10 #36134

mr policeman
seriously, don't the po-lice have anything better to do?


04/10/2004 01:17 #36133

twitchy twitch
I have a twitch in my left eye that just won't go away. I should take care of it with a salve or balm. If only i could...Go to the websites I have for enjoyment. They are all containing important information or informations you can use for your own personal research projects.


04/06/2004 23:01 #36132

I am silly
I just inadvertently used the word 'gum' four times in my last post.