I gave blood at school today because it seemed like it could be fun. It was. They ask you all sorts of funny questions on a questionare..."have you ever taken drugs or money for sex", "Have you ever given money or drugs to recieve sex." I did get a kick out of it. Then the lady, who was very nice pulled out this needle, which was quite large, but I did not even feel it go in. Afterwards she gave me a nice pink bandage and I went on my merry way to the "canteen" where a lady forced me to drink juice and told me that I was a nice young man and she wished I could stay all day....All in a day's work...
Thesimeon's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/24/2004 15:12 #36125
Give blood save a life03/23/2004 22:03 #36124
PBS - the last bastionSo its the first journal and all..I will talk about PBS, once a stronghold and safe-haven from reality TV has succumbed to this modern phenomenon and I am dismayed. Its the story of a modern family that lives as a victorian family for several weeks or months or something...Well whatever. Who cares?
I am trying to get a picture up...Tune in next week.
I am trying to get a picture up...Tune in next week.