"And then we switched from Boston to Swingline but I kept my Swingline because the staples don't bind up" -Milton
To the bush regime I stick my middle finger up, for once again insulting and degrading us in only ways that they can. Recently, it was found out that the bush campaign was placing fake news stories in local news broadcasts which were designed to look like special interest stories. They are, of course, used to make bush look good although I cannot say what exactly they were about.
"Mirrors induce purchasing by forcing us to doubt our own completeness." -Thomas Hine in 'I Want That!'
I will, in the next few weeks be unveiling a plan to rent my sister out on an hourly basis, because there seems to be a market out there for cute little children. She is 11, but she still has a few years of cuteness left in her. More on this later.
Thesimeon's Journal
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03/25/2004 09:46 #36126
mirrors, bush II, staplers03/24/2004 15:12 #36125
Give blood save a lifeI gave blood at school today because it seemed like it could be fun. It was. They ask you all sorts of funny questions on a questionare..."have you ever taken drugs or money for sex", "Have you ever given money or drugs to recieve sex." I did get a kick out of it. Then the lady, who was very nice pulled out this needle, which was quite large, but I did not even feel it go in. Afterwards she gave me a nice pink bandage and I went on my merry way to the "canteen" where a lady forced me to drink juice and told me that I was a nice young man and she wished I could stay all day....All in a day's work...
03/23/2004 22:03 #36124
PBS - the last bastionSo its the first journal and all..I will talk about PBS, once a stronghold and safe-haven from reality TV has succumbed to this modern phenomenon and I am dismayed. Its the story of a modern family that lives as a victorian family for several weeks or months or something...Well whatever. Who cares?
I am trying to get a picture up...Tune in next week.
I am trying to get a picture up...Tune in next week.