New job. They want organized, I'll be organized. For some reason they already think that I am. score.
well, I am working on that :)
I went to Target to buy a calander-planner-lleather-thingy. I never cared for these things before. I pretty much have everything I need to know stuffed in my head: phone numbers, birthdays, doctor appointments and other dead lines and details. If I ever write anything down, it is for back-up purposes only. Besides, planners always seemed way too complicated and unneccessary for me.
I'll be issued a PDA er palm pilot contraption.
I'd prefer to use my Pocket PC when I eventually get around to purchasing one. I am so lazy when it comes to shopping..
So I figured a more complicated planner will work for various reasons-- as in, I will actually need to use all of the sections that are in it. I'm sure I will adjust along the way. Its red.
I need to figure out how my schedule will go.. There seems to be all sorts of crazy meetings all over the place. Some really late..
I am trying to absorb all the information that is thrown at me-- wanting to have known it all by yesterday. I know bettter.. but still, I just want to know already how to do stuff. I'll learn, I'll learn..
Need to go shopping for professional attire. I have a few things.. much of it will work, but not for too much longer. Yuck, shopping..
HA! It was (and is) really cool to veg out to a novel. My fave are psychological thrillers with a little bit of fantasy- surreal- weird shit added to the mix. Book I am reading now has to do with a genius who worked for a privately funded genetics company- -working on phasing out genes associated with sickness, replacing them with genes attributed to superior health and repair. This scientist is obsessed with staying young. Experiments on white mice demonstated success and then some. Mice that were physically harmed or developed disease, quickly regenerated back to health. Some mice that were killed, didn't stay dead for long. This was not expected on behalf of the research scientists. Consequences maninfested in extreme behavior. An otherwise docile white mouse became excessively violent after this reanimation. It became vicious and sought to kill/harm other mice and anyone who got it their way. OK, forward to youth obsessed genius scientist who is a bit psychologically off kilter as is, and decided to experiment on himself. Later-- he dies-- but not for long. He is already a violent person, and his consequential actions much like the reanimated mice follow suit-- but to a much more vicious and insane degree. bal blah blah
There is a lot going on in this book.. its fun. I am happy when I can use my imagination and wrap my mind around crazyish ideas. Its so much more enjoyable at this point then heavy theory based information that I have been stuffing my head with for so long-- and its been a couple of years since I have read a generally mindless brain candy novel. I spent the entire evening last night reading. I went to bed way too late becasue I could not put the book down. When I am done posting, I will return to the book and most likely finish it tonight.
After this little mental vacation, it is back to working on projects previosly started. I need to get organized better on that as well; make a plan to fully commit myself to a set amount of hours per week on other ventures.
alright.. going to go read.
(e:pyrcedgrrl) you suck. You havent answered any of my texts. :P
later tators..
Not everybody takes their diseases for a Elmwood stroll. I was tempted to yell "Carey's got Mad Cow" as I drove past you but thought better of it.
I still think my Mono is cuter. :p