Just clicked the transfer button to finally fully pay-off our car. Feels very nice. Plus an extra $250.00 a month (unfortunately it will just go to other bills). This is the first time I've actually owned a car. Can't say I terribly enjoy it. A big hassle. Car payments, insurance, registration, shoveling/scraping... So annoying. I hope soon to live in a place with a viable public transportation system again. In Jena (Thüringen, Germany)

there was an excellent system

with buses/trains that ran 24-hours. In the day I never waited for more than 10-15 minutes, at night never more than 30. It was so good and regular that you didn't even have to know schedules, you just went to the nearest stop and knew that a bus/train would come within 10-15 minutes. Plus in the summer it was very bicycle friendly and small enough that you could get just about anywhere in less than 1/2 hour.