least that's what I think when I read the newest essays about what the universe is. Strings twirling about spawning multidimensional particles which appear as waves. Or is that the other way around? I'm pretty in to how reality can be interpreted through physics. I can understand up to a certain point and then my mind just starts travelling among all these possibilities of what reality is. I try to put strings through what I know. I wind tauruses (tauri?) through reality. I think of cubes within cubes, 10-dimensional cubes?
Just yesterday I was watching Dragonball Z (auf Deutsch) where this guy from the future comes and messes with the present and then comes back later to find that the present (his past) is very different from his experience. Yeah, deep. It made me think of this idea of time as a wheel which keeps spinning, and if you were to backtrack you couldn't do it by reversing, but rather by jumping to the next nearest wheel of possibilities. Thus you could go back in time, but it would never be your time. You could change all you wanted there, but everytime you went back to your own time it would be the same.
I haven't read anything "physical" for awhile so I'll imitate our resident ozone-making genius (e:ajay) and read The Fermi Solution. [inlink]ajay,251[/inlink] I just put in a request to our beleaguered library system and should have it soon. Bis dann leute!
Terry's Journal
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01/30/2005 01:10 #35692
It's just like magic01/28/2005 12:30 #35691
No more curry goat?I stopped eating the beef over a year ago after the whole BSE scare. A couple years before in Germany I stopped eating beef because of their Mad-Cow scare. Now, apparently I will have to stop eating goat too.
Admitedly I don't eat a whole lot of goat, normally just when I have Carribean/East Indies food at Palm Tree (MAP TO: 69%20ALLEN%20ST) or Steel Drums (MAP TO: 1410%20MAIN%20ST) but it's so tasty when I do eat it.
Perhaps I should just cut all "hooved" animals off the food list. Stick to just birds for the meat. And maybe a little bacon here and there. And sea creatures, no problem there. Should just go veggie, but it would never work with my emaciated roomates: they'd just shrivel up and die.
Goodbye, dear goat.

Perhaps I should just cut all "hooved" animals off the food list. Stick to just birds for the meat. And maybe a little bacon here and there. And sea creatures, no problem there. Should just go veggie, but it would never work with my emaciated roomates: they'd just shrivel up and die.
Goodbye, dear goat.
01/27/2005 13:02 #35690
And I wasn't even drunkwhen I wrote that little rant below. Huh.
Welcome to new user Spinyuwhatsit.... er, Spinalyakist... um, okay sorry (e:Spinuyashagc) I'm only making a little fun cuz you asked us not to. And I have a couple straight girls I could let you hang out with if you promise not to hit on them. [inlink]spinuyashagc,1[/inlink] Just plain hitting them is fine though. (e:lilho) for example, or (e:tina). They like it nice and rough. K, nuff trouble for the morning.
Welcome to new user Spinyuwhatsit.... er, Spinalyakist... um, okay sorry (e:Spinuyashagc) I'm only making a little fun cuz you asked us not to. And I have a couple straight girls I could let you hang out with if you promise not to hit on them. [inlink]spinuyashagc,1[/inlink] Just plain hitting them is fine though. (e:lilho) for example, or (e:tina). They like it nice and rough. K, nuff trouble for the morning.
01/27/2005 00:17 #35689
I don't have time for youIs this the story of my life?
How I am supposed to do something for you if I don't know what you want?
Why don't you know what I want?
You don't know what you want.
OK, great.
How I am supposed to do something for you if I don't know what you want?
Why don't you know what I want?
You don't know what you want.
OK, great.
01/26/2005 14:51 #35688
the car is finally oursJust clicked the transfer button to finally fully pay-off our car. Feels very nice. Plus an extra $250.00 a month (unfortunately it will just go to other bills). This is the first time I've actually owned a car. Can't say I terribly enjoy it. A big hassle. Car payments, insurance, registration, shoveling/scraping... So annoying. I hope soon to live in a place with a viable public transportation system again. In Jena (Thüringen, Germany)
there was an excellent system
with buses/trains that ran 24-hours. In the day I never waited for more than 10-15 minutes, at night never more than 30. It was so good and regular that you didn't even have to know schedules, you just went to the nearest stop and knew that a bus/train would come within 10-15 minutes. Plus in the summer it was very bicycle friendly and small enough that you could get just about anywhere in less than 1/2 hour.