Paul told me the other day that he works so hard so that one day he can work for himself. Holly just posted about how it's so horrible selling yourself all the time. And I agree. It is horrible. It's strange that we don't even realize it anymore. That everytime you go into work you are trading your life away for some goal not of your own making. We are wasting our life essences on projects whose purposes have little to do with our own lives. With such a restricted timespan (80, 50, 30 years or however long before we kick the proverbial bucket) it is sad that we spend hours upon hours upon hours slaving for someone else. For purposes so far from living. Shouldn't each moment be spent living; phisically, mentally or spiritually. Yet we give it all away. It's gotten to the point where half of us go to school for years and years just to learn how to sell ourselves better, learning "skills" that have value only for others. Of course some of us have more "worthwhile" jobs. Jobs that in some way benefit society. Even so there is always some controlling force, assigning, distibuting, etc. Fucking capital. Paul just told me I don't know what I'm talking about cause I've never had a job I liked. Maybe. I don't think that alters the underlying point. I would for example have a really great time if I immersed myself in language, or physics, or genetics, which I do. I'm just not paid for it, so somehow though I know tons about these subjects I don't sell my knowledge or expertise or whatever. I'm doing it solely for myself. Enriching myself with things that interest me. That's my point. That we spend so much of our time working for others that sometimes we lose track of what really matters: living. The intellectual pursuits, musical matters, riding bikes, learning your own morality. These things are how I guage my success. Not by how much money I make, how fancy my car is, how many big words I know, but by the fact that I enjoy living. The capital market is so intent on buying our services and selling us crap that it distorts what living is about. Now maybe this sounds like I just don't want to work, but that's not it. I am perfectly content making a living, surviving. It's a part of the whole. We're just so disconnected from it all. I make decent money doing some totally abstract (in terms of personal survival) job that gets me by. But it doesn't give me any personal form of satisfaction. That's what I want and I am pretty sure I know what things I can do that give me that feeling. It is just hard to express these urges in our modern world. I guess I want my farm. Give me the goats. I am tired of selling myself.
Sidenote: There is this new reality show on Fox that Paul and Matt saw the other day where women get madeover through the series. It is so fucked up it makes me want to puke. They pick "normal" looking women and give them the chance to "turn there lives around" quote from the website

. This sacred once in a lifetime chance to get what all of them have wanted their entire lives: to finally be beautiful. They don't get to look in a mirror the whole time. To see how they're being massacred. So discusting. I always wonder which model the particular surgoen has in mind when he begins sculpting the face. The nose of Naomi? The chin of Jennifer Aniston? Sophia's arching brows? Maybe Angelina Jolie's pouty lips? To me it's all Michael Jackson. Gross gross gross. If we're gonna waste our time on "enhancements" we should at least get double jointed knees for hyper-springing or eagle-eyes for ultra-seeing, not fucking Elle's ears. But, have fun girls, I hope you finally get your dreams fulfilled. And a double-long-enhanced-schlong to boot.