In another example of what it means to be a journalist, Amy Goodman is onboard the flight that is returning Haiti's President Aristide to the western hemisphere from Africa. She has been in Africa over the weekend documenting the story as it unfolds. Democracy Now!

was also the
first program to air speculations of a coup and to have an interview with Aristide himself following his so-called resignation. In this age of biliion dollar media companies it is alarming that a rinky-dink Pacifica station is the one breaking these stories. Obviously it is not that CNN/Fox/etal don't have the resources, rather they are typically avoiding a subject that our government does not want closely examined.
The government of Jamaica will host Aristide, though they are facing horrendous pressure not to. "Jamaican authorities are certainly taking on a risk and a responsibility," said James Foley, the US Ambassador to Haiti. "His coming within 150 miles from Haiti is promoting violence." Of course it could be said that ousting a democratically elected president and supporting the coup leaders is a good way to promote violence as well. The plane is set to land down within the hour (around noon today EST), and Amy will be there when it touches down providing us with a first-hand account of what transpires.