Here's the story


There's an art exhibit which features a suicide bomber in Stockholm, Sweden. Israel's envoy to Sweden goes to the exhibit, sees the installation, and attempts to take it down (though he manages to only unplug a spotlight and throw it in impotent rage). He defended his actions, claiming that diplomacy only goes so far. As a matter of course, top Israeli cabinet members of the Sharon government voiced their approval of the act.
Freedom of expression should be an unquestioned right. The art piece didn't hurt anyone, maybe it makes you look at a perspective that is offensive to you, but that doesn't mean it should be censored. I really think this all goes too far. You can only cry anti-semite so much before nobody cares anymore. Especially when at the same time you are building a wall around the lesser people you don't want near your towns and making premeditated sweeps through their homes, indiscriminately terrorizing them with tanks, bulldozers, and machine guns. Does anyone claim that Israel is even threatened anymore? They have a gigantic army, the largest as a percentage of population, and advanced military technology, supplied by their number one friend and ally, the US. Their constant cries of anti-semitism fly in the face of their own aggression and bullying. They say that a child who is abused at an early age has a greater chance of becoming an abuser later in life. I think Israel needs to learn that lesson and start acting like an adult country.