So it's like 9 PM and I'm like soooo worried about this here hurik'n I herd about.We's right in the eye of it. I went out and done buyed me some water bottles and a extra large package of them pigs in a blanket, figures I can steal their coziness as I pop 'em into my belly. I felt the first raindrops and they sent chills down my spine as they creepy-crawlied-oozzled into my butt-crack. Earlier I had took a look at my saved-up Duck & Cover tapes from the Chilly-Times when Russia was sending them Commies to steal our bitches and gins and I learned me how's to get under a heavy object and how's to brace my figure into a doorframe. I's scared but I's gwinta beat it fo' it beats me. Herd? I ain't skerd.
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/18/2003 21:07 #35344
Where my ho-ricane at?09/16/2003 00:18 #35343
Upcoming Event...More TBA09/15/2003 22:30 #35342
Just who is this Holly?!!?Almost her Berfday, and she yet to have a appearance on da site. What the fuck? Where she be? We're havin a berfday party! Ya'll better prepare...get yoself to-geth-er...cuz we gonna smash it up...gonna bring da hi-Zouse down!!! Raaaa..h...hh...!
09/13/2003 01:06 #35341
Hallway AnticsThe new-fangled sea-water aquarium is here. Amidst mucho pompo and circumstancio it has placed its embodiment in our hallway while its spirit stirs us all, visions of Great Barrier shoals are lifted from hidden coves of the mind. Yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, as I said it's in the hallway, whose usual function is the transportation of a body from one locale within a building (Umgebeudeort) to another. Through this process is one able to perform simple tasks, namely pissing (pissen). I have just been informed that my currnt activities could be called complaining (klagen), and so I will desist (stoppen), amidst lingering doubts in my heart, do I love it or do I not?
09/12/2003 17:32 #35340
I am still aliveToday I am wearing gray and Matthew is wearing green. What that says about us I don't know but... I am still deciding whether I think this whole idea of a BLOG has any purpose. I guess it's nice to have a diary, but a diary that other people read is a strange thing. Maybe if anything interesting ever happened we could talk about that. Maybe someone should ask Matt about his Sea-enemy experience. The tortoise is growing, seems healthy. He really likes watermelon, which is okay for him cause he is an African tortoise and that's where watermelon is from, strangely enough. Matt's aquarium seems to be doing well, the polyps are sprouting and some new red flower things have appeared, also there are these wormy-things that we can't decide whether they're worms or the tentacles of some hidden creature. Pretty boring, I know, but I'm writing for Paul's sake.