We are gwinta go to B-way joe's tonite to see our friend Laura's new band. Apparently she is a big New York producer now. Very exciting. Very strange to think that you can go to NY and just become a producer within a couple months. I mean, like, I could do it, but your regular Joe and all could'na have a chance. I am maybe approaching fulfilled enough for the night, but Theresa (still no journal though she lives in our house and has a computer) said we's only gwinta go fo' a little bit. Maybe I'll see ya there.
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/25/2003 23:49 #35347
Goin to Joes place09/21/2003 12:27 #35346
Tift Nature PreserveI've been 3 or 4 times so far. It's a good bike ride from Elmwood ~45 min, and is pretty nice (as long as you ignore the fact that it's on top of an old landfill). The whole idea is reclamtion of urban landscapes as viable natural resources. There are swampy marsh areas that are home to many various species of waterfowl (geese, duck, and some kinda thing that stands on one leg, crane or egret or something that I have seen) as well as deer, frogs, cute furry animals (squirrels, chipmunks, woodchucks), and tons o' spiders and other creepy crawlies. The trails are well-maintained and it's big enough that you ususally don't even notice the odd couple of people wandering about. I like to ride there, do a little nature watching, maybe read a little, and then ride back, it makes a nice afternoony trip. The best way to get there takes you directly through the heart of industrial downtown, very educational. So you take elmwood or delaware downtown and make your way to Washington which is beyond Main st. Go all the way to right in front of HSBC Arena and make a left and then go until Michigan and make a right. Now from here I am not really sure of the streets, but there aren't really many choices. I think the next st is Ohio and you go over this steel bridge. Mostly just keep going and take any rights that you can. Eventually you go over this big bridge (the only tough part of the ride, save some oomph) and the Nature Preserve is your next left. Voila! Oh yeah bring a bike lock, cuz you'll wanna leave the bike up front. I hope someone goes and has fun. If anyone wants to do a joint day-outing give me a call or a mail.
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09/19/2003 23:50 #35345
Yeah...he's a muthafuckaHe come to my house and he be...
He come and complain about my wee...
He come and not be satisfied by me...
And my banana surpriseryeee...
Why he not like me?
Oh why oh why oh why?
Shout out to all my Prozakarias.
He come and complain about my wee...
He come and not be satisfied by me...
And my banana surpriseryeee...
Why he not like me?
Oh why oh why oh why?
Shout out to all my Prozakarias.
09/18/2003 21:07 #35344
Where my ho-ricane at?So it's like 9 PM and I'm like soooo worried about this here hurik'n I herd about.We's right in the eye of it. I went out and done buyed me some water bottles and a extra large package of them pigs in a blanket, figures I can steal their coziness as I pop 'em into my belly. I felt the first raindrops and they sent chills down my spine as they creepy-crawlied-oozzled into my butt-crack. Earlier I had took a look at my saved-up Duck & Cover tapes from the Chilly-Times when Russia was sending them Commies to steal our bitches and gins and I learned me how's to get under a heavy object and how's to brace my figure into a doorframe. I's scared but I's gwinta beat it fo' it beats me. Herd? I ain't skerd.