10/13/2004 21:02 #34956
the kid stays in the picture!All right, I lied. It wasn't my favourite picture. The other picture is the exact moment that my strap popped on my dress! (Fun times!) *THIS* is my favourite picture...
Yay! I'm not inept afterall!
10/13/2004 20:55 #34955
All right I just uploaded my favourite picture of the Wedding that was off of my camera and something just isn't right! Matthew made it look so damn easy at midnight on Saturday/Sunday! Damn my ineptitude!
10/11/2004 10:49 #34954
the One versus the OtherI am in a bit of a conundrum. Actually, it's not a conundrum so much as it is trying to figure out how I feel about whom and what I want to happen next. I think I know but perhaps not.
They're both kind in their own way and brilliant in their own way. The one is a deep, sensitive soul and the other is deep but he keeps me at bay. The one is here, physically, in town while the other is away, lives in another city another state, but has family here so he comes home when he can. They're both enigmas but the one I think will let me get close enough to figure out the answer, the other, definitely not. But will the one call, that is the question? With the other, I know that if I need advice or someone to vent to, he is there, in his own way, and he gives me feed back when he can.
And the other, well, I've loved him for ages, despite that fact that he's a conservative Republican (GASP!). He is true to himself and is so intelligent that there are times when I feel completely inadequate around him. That is not his doing. It is my own inferiority complex that I try very hard to repress, but sometimes cannot.
And the one, well, I know that if he let's me in, I could love him, very much. There's just something there. I don't know- a kind of connection. Or maybe I'm crazy and there's no connection but when we kissed- it was electric. I don't ever remember feeling like that from just a very quick, but nice, kiss on the lips. But it was there.
I think that I would like to be very good friends with the other and see where it could lead to with the one. I just hope they let me!
10/10/2004 17:52 #34953
What can be said? (apparently plenty!)Yes, yes yesterday was the Day of Days. My Trisha Kordos is gone forever and is now, quite happily, Mrs. Trisha Lehnen. Mrs. Trisha Lehnen. It seems surreal, not true, like "That can't be!", but as I had the immense honour and priviledge to have been chosen as her Maid of Honour, I know it to be true. I cried, although I tried very hard not to. Then I was sick, which I also tried very hard not to, but it was a necessary evil. As a result of the mysterious stomach ailment, I opted to not drink *GASP* and had the best frigging time! And I remember everything! It was a magical day and a phenomenal night and man, those e-peeps and Trisha made the damn party! TK, Terry, Sarah, Tina, and Chamille, along with our lover-ly bride, are dancing machines! But it was awsome.
Terry, Paul, and Matthew, thank you ever so much for letting me tag along with you. It actually was the perfect way to end the night and it kept me out of trouble.
Chamille, that was one hell of a conversation, and I feel very sad that I have just gotten to know such a fabulous woman and you're leaving! Frankly, that sucks, but I do wish you the absolute best of luck!
I woke up this morning and remembered Trisha sauntering down the aisle to Beethoven and I started to cry. A very real pain seared through my heart and I can't explain it. I think it was the beauty of the moment, coupled with something else, but I was crying nonetheless. She will not change, I know that, for she is and always will be Trisha, but I can't help but feeling that with her marriage, something HAS changed. I'm probably being stupid but one can't help how one feels. I love that girl with all of my heart. I have to go before I become a blubbering idiot.
Mrs. Lehnen. It sounds so weird. Probably about as weird as I said to her, "Your husband...". I was the first one to say that to her- "Your husband..." That's pretty cool!
10/08/2004 10:11 #34952
Hit me baby one more time!Part Deux never arrived, unfortunately. Time is slip, slip, slipping away with each proverbial tick, with every every breath, every heart beat. Tomorrow is the Wedding. I can't believe it. I woke up in a state of shock as it hit me that Trisha and Paulnotpaul are getting married tomorrow! This time tomorrow, either Trisha or I will be hyperventilating. I'm not sure which is more likely, although as poor Trisha and Paul have been running around like chickens with their heads cut off, I don't know if it's hit her. I'm sure it has but it's just so surreal! Now, I have to go and finish painting my parents garage and then at noon get a manicure and pedicure so that my hands and feet look cute tomorrow. E-peeps out there, please pray to whatever creator you believe in that the weather is nice and sunny and that if it must rain, only rain in the morning and stop no later than 11! (I have a friend that always says to be specific when dealing with God/creator/universe/goddess otherwise the Deity has a tendency to give you exactly what you say you want/need and nothing more, or it turns around and bites you in the ass. The Supreme Being has a wicked sense of humour! So, I *AM* being VERY specific here!) Those of you that are attending the wedding of the E-Peep century, I will see you on the Dance floor! Hopefully the music is good!