still playing it cool. it may be war soon. underhanded
sneakyness kind of war. my boss hasn't said
jack about when he will release me for my new
gig. I am a patient broad and an understanding one too!
but come on, don't walk around and avoid shit like the
plague. So i had to vent by 4:30pm. I call my friend back
in the blo...I stood outside in the cold for almost an hour
without a coat since I have buffalo winterized blood now -
just letting it all out... why do people have nasty attitudes?
why are people unhelpful? why are people self concerned only?
why do people suck? why do you have to do almost everything
yourself when you shouldn't? blah blah blah I finally had to get on the train
after being approached by the less desireables. "no I don't
want whats in that bag!"
so my friend does some digging and searching and informs me
that they could keep me from taking the promotion by deeming
me a "critical element" - I am a hostage!!!!
whatevah!!! I will continue to remain patient by
another day or two and then its on...
So I had to treat myself - no more leftovers; Sushi and Red Wine for the Queen.
I like when people are upfront and honest. I give you the same respect
so I feel that I deserve no less than the same.
these same feelings
transfer to relationships and such. All this talk about good guys and bad boys...
I have seen them all. I have done my share of heart break but probably not
as much as the opposite has tried to fling my way. The worst is "Bad Boy" in
good guys clothing. Boy, I must say I fell for that one. ((Even though I detect the bad boy charm, its just that "charm"))
I get stung by a great smile, wit and blimp size ego almost instaneously
((oh no, i have given away the achilles heel))
However often before, No more now. I am on hiatus!