10/04/2004 12:51 #34420
back on the wagonI think I am back on the wagon. I had a cup of java last night and by morning I had to break open the eggnog coffee. yummy! I subconsciously think I need it since I will be up with Maria for a while today and she is more energetic than me!!!
I will take some for the road too!
10/04/2004 02:43 #34418
The Freshness of Fall...I love Fall. It really is one of my favorite times of the year. Family, Friends, Fun and best of all Birthdays!!!
However wonderful, it was freezing in my apt today=seriously. I was all wrapped up in sweats and everything. So I decided to leave and hit the stores (day three since friday). I thought it was bound to be warmer there than here.
Wow, I have been shopping like a teenager with her very first credit card except that I didn't charge anything. I bought my niece a snow suite (baby pink w.brown velvet buttons and collar trim & shoe/hand covers to match), for me a pink hat w/black trim for my black pea coat & a pink fuzzy scarf to match (one of those scarves that you can do funky things with like put over your head, wear as a neck muff,etc.), a pair of black boots (not the hooker ones!) & yet I may take those back; Some Martini glasses, a coloring book for the niecey poo!...
I bought my niece a little black velvet dress & cutesy black velvet shoes which she loves - she is already a shoe queen. I got my soon to be born nephew a sleeper & I purchased tons of scrapbook stuff for my niece and nephew.
I picked up a few bowls, napkins & cup things for my birthday party/happy hour next week. Can't wait for that either. :)
I went out only to look for a dress to wear to Trisha's wedding. No dress. Found one snazzy suit/dress but by that time I didn't feel like spending anymore money.
The second big ticket item I went to purchase this weekend was a camera so that I could capture the new baby's first moments outside of the womb. I went to a few places over the past two days and the store people were of no help(I wish I could tell my customers((all of you taxpayers)) "hey, I just work here, I really don't know crap"). Do I had to do my own research and w/the suggestion of a friend, decided on a Canon digital. I really wanted to replace the one I broke, Sony Mavica, but I don't have the clams to shell out. Besides, that camera is huge. Time to downsize.
I feel like i need a chic size camera that I can get close to professional results to boot. oh yeah, and on a shoestring budget. Uncle sam takes just as much from me as he does you ; ) !!!
So mike & paul call to see if I wanted to go to Marcella's tonight(last night)
I was down so I bummed a cup of java from my neighbor. I am not officially back on the coffee wagon but its starting up...(got some eggnog coffee too during my shopping weekend) So I was buzzed and ready to go... My sister called me just as I was getting ready and said her water broke... (11:45pmish) I was struck with glee...A new baby in a few hours!!! so exciting. little people are facinating.
So anyway, they (Mike&Paul) ended up cancelling. So now I am waiting for my sister to call me back after the doctor calls her. I have had so much caffeine today (chai tea, green tea, coffee) whooa Nelly!
I should scrapbook. Really I should just try to rest as there will be little of that in the hours/days to come...
10/01/2004 00:15 #34417
full moon fall'smr.sandman.....
please turn on your magic beam....
oh mr. sandman
bring me a dream. ;)
09/29/2004 11:35 #34416
organization pt deux?I need to get my day planner back in action. I was convinced a while ago not to spend money on the yearly inserts etc. but i love my paper day planner. sure a pda would be even better now with music upload capability to boot. perhaps this should be added to my birthday wish list.
I don't know if I am super pysched about October (birthday in a few days) or what?
I thought it was October already and I thought my interview was today for a job in DC. Get it together... I felt so silly sitting there all decked out in my suit, hair coifed, face done, and prepared for the ultimate q&a.
silly girl its next wednesday... More time to prepare as I found myself completely nervous which is usually not the case. aaaaahhhh.
Anyone up for cocktails or something after work today?
(bad segway but whatever)
09/28/2004 02:23 #34415
how much is so much?too much paper
too much organization
too little time
too little effort
too many intricacies
too few emails
too often I...
oh so much
hmm... can I have one too? ;)
[inlink]maidencateyes,163[/inlink] - inlink recorded 09/27/04 22:20
(this sounds like it should be a "Dear Santa, I have been a nice girl all year long" request!)