The National Organization of Restoring Men is a non-profit support group for men who have concerns about being circumcised, are considering foreskin restoration, or are in the process of restoring their foreskins. Our aim is to help men regain a sense of self-directedness -- physically as well as emotionally.Quoted from: NORM - The National Organization of Restoring Men
Last night Penn & Teller's third season of Bullshit! ( started with an episode addressing circumcision. This is a topic that is dear to me (, especially since one of the early mythologies of my life is how the doctor botched my own circumcision, leading to an extended recovery period (although, no disfiguration beyond the intended disfiguration).
Here's a question, and I mean this as a serious feminist: Why is female circumcision widely reviled as barbaric and often listed as a human rights / civil liberties threat (and rightfully so), but male circumcision happens millions of times every day in "developed" countries all over the world, and nobody cares? Seriously, the difference, as I see it, is that female circumcision is advocated by religions and cultures that are considered inferior to western religiion (Judeo-Christianity) and western cultures. That's the difference. Those people who circumcise women are "savages" and "witch doctors" but the people who circumcise males in western culture are "doctors" and "rabbis".
STOP CIRCUMCISION NOW. Tell me you circumcised your boy and I will consider you guilty of mutilation. Lots of people are guilty, but that's no excuse. Just quit it.
The website linked above links to lots of info about restoring foreskins using nonsurgical methods. A little extra attention in the shower each day can see significant results in 2-3 years towards restoring the foreskin. Don't believe me? Look at the photos on these sites (this link is SFW and warns when any nudity is coming up, but then again, have you ever seen a circumcision? If you think a foreskin is ugly... *shudder*).