I know people here cuz I got to school at UB and all. I got into the site because
(e:Paul)'s my classmate, and when he told us about his MFA work, I thought, damn, that's a cool site. And you'd have to be blind to not recognize the raw talent, effort, heart and soul that has gone into this thing. I'm an old-time webmaster (

) so it's especially satisfying to see eStrip succeed...
In my mind, eStrip needs outsiders. Without that, well, I dunno. I've talked with
(e:Paul) about his goals, and I know that he's really interested in this localized network community, as opposed to all the other online communities that focus on bringing together people from all over the world. I think it is a cool project, and I believe in it. But if the whole local community can't get on, then it's more of a clubhouse, and that's not quite the same thing. How am I going to feel like a creepy (just turned 30) old guy spying on everyone else's private journals if it's a safe-zone club where everyone feels just fine blurting out any old thing.
Words have consequences. Images have consequences. We can't pretend it doesn't exist, even if we put ourselves into a discourse group where everyone speaks the same dialect. I think recent
(e:strip) history (
(e:pageseven) anyone?) proves the dangerous quality of language exists and occasionally rears its head and slaps us in the face with a 12" of miscommunication.
So while
(e:jasonsback) has a point about the in-crowd that certainly exists on eStrip, I'd like to think, hope, that crowd has really been formed around the on-site interactions. Certainly IRL interaction is important, but I would hope that the cliques and interactions on
(e:strip) are as much about what people say, think and do on their journals than anything else.
I remember when
(e:paul) uploaded the skinny dipping shots (or were they just nekkid dudes in the woods?) -- I thought, wow, that's ballzy. I wouldn't do that. And I wouldn't. Mainly because I'm not comfortable with that, and I hope that's just as OK as
(e:paul) doing it. (And I hope that doesn't discourage ANYONE else from ALSO posting nudie pix -- it's a pr0n powered Internet...)
Soyeon's journal used to be my fave. Now I can't even read my faves from her journal. How sad. Why did I like it? Cuz it felt personal. It felt like sometimes she said more than she might have said if she had stopped to consider it...
I like to read
(e:uncutsaniflush), and
(e:jasonsback) Why? Mostly cuz they post enough that I feel like I have gotten to know them a little. It's inspired me to post more. Maybe you feel the same way?
And for any of my students, employers, teachers, or unclassifiable guardians (or those people from the government who are watching me

), HEAR THIS: My journal on eStrip is where I come to have fun and vent and rant and rave in Buffalo, in order to make the most of my time here and have fun. I hope people dig it, but that's fine if you don't -- I work on other stuff much harder. I hope I don't offend you, but if I do, then let's talk about it. Don't come here looking for representation, respectful presentation or otherwise fucking stuffy bullshit like that.