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08/24/2006 19:32 #33717

<------> On to Portland?
Now that I've finally acquired a job at a fine coffee selling establishment (thanks to Nancy King) I'll be leaving this city of squandered time amidst forced productivity. The Lavatelli sisters are great. I am getting out of their hair before they start beating me with the fly swatter screaming "get off that lazy ass." It looks like Courtney Jean Anne will be my new encounter and temporary benefactor. She's been in Portland for 2 months. I'm fairly certain we will drive each other insane(sleeping in the same bed and all) but where could a better place be to go insane than a place that's thousands of miles from home.
I've never been so far west. Portland is rainy so I'll be ok. I like my health teas. I'm homesick for the old pink and I have to wonder who was that ever elusive Bert? When again will I see Soybean, Sarah Paul, Liz, Julie, Tony, Paul, Matt, Terry, Mike, Meg, Brian, Tom, Steve and so on. Who the fuck am I going to find in Portland? I hope they are chill. I need some mellow pace after walking around this place. Some big bitch yelled at me today because we brushed shoulders while my head was bowed lighting a smoke. I said "excuse me" and kept going. That woman could have kicked my soft ass.
19 Guest. Who are all the God Damn guest on this site? What happened to old elmwoodstrip where there were about 15 of us? Paul did you ever get my message about finding Chris? Zoe needs a place to crash in San Francisco come September. She's been working her ass off for some stodgy painter and he's going to fly her out there for his opening.
I wonder if I should feel excited. I'm about to make a big change of location, to a place I've never been. I know I will need some bologna and pringles but no blow-pops. That hobag will eat it right when it gets to the gum. Never forgets a god damn thing.
joshua - 08/24/06 20:22
Portland is a cool ass town though - lots of natural beauty. And I'm not just talking about the landscape!

08/12/2006 02:17 #33716

hands, touching hands, reaching out
My fucking hands hurt. I just read Pauls post about his bathroom floor. I really feel for him because that is what I did this morning. I ripped out old tiles off a floor. It wasn't a bathroom. It was a bedroom. It's about to become the bedroom of a 12 year old girl. The girl wants us to paint the floor 12 year old purple. That is what I get to do in the morning, sand the floors and and paint them purple. It actually sounds allot more fun than ripping out tile again. Paul, you needed a scraper, one of those things you put spackle on with.

08/06/2006 23:16 #33715

ok, This is a bunch of shit from the past month. There are some from North Carolina, when Arzu and Liz came down and we drove up here. Then there are some from Anna's house including a few of me in an awesome dress that Anna made.
Still no luck with my job quest. It may be the midnight train to Georgia next Sunday. I'm not sure but I need to get out of Anna's hair before I drive her insane. Arzu came here Saturday we went out and somehow ended up at coney island at 5 in the morning. It was a strange night. I need to stop getting wasted and giving out my number to every creep I meet. It's just plain silly. I sure do love my girls though.


















08/02/2006 15:33 #33714

old pictures
I've been looking for pictures to use on this face recognition web site.

I can't wait to chill in the pmt hot tub.










07/31/2006 03:52 #33713

Get A Job Bitch
I just updated my web site. I've been applying for jobs but no luck so far. What do y'all think of the new layout here?
kookcity2000 - 07/31/06 20:36
I remember listening to stories on yer old site

Do you still have those?
libertad - 07/31/06 09:18
It seems much easier to use now, I like it. So far undecided about the red background. Your resume looks good.